
XFreckle_LipX Posts: 46 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Well Im extremely tired all the time lately. :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: Just cant seem to get motiviated to even go for a walk never mind the gym and I am getting very frustrated with myself because of this.:mad: :mad::sad:

Has anyone any suggestions on anything that may bring my energy levels up???? Im not sleeping great to be honest and have tried changing my diet but think I might be missing something fairly simple. I drink alot of water so I knows its not dehydration. Any ideas????



  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Are you eating enough? And enough of the right things ? I added more fat in the mornings because I was just dragging in the am. It has helped alot. Sleep is crtical. Make sure go to bed around the same time every night. Try to get 7 to 8 hrs of sleep and have a bedtime routine. I have a little one so this is easy for me...we start turning the lights down to wind him down and it works for us too. Don't exercise to close to bedtime either. You can google "getting a good night's sleep" and there is tons of info out there. I used to have insomnia but it's been better since I started working out again.
  • MsLisaB
    MsLisaB Posts: 256
    Firstly take a look at your diet. Are you eating enough? Is what you are eating wholesome and not full of refined sugars?

    Then try to figure out why you aren't sleeping well. Has there been a change in your life or environment that could be keeping you awake? Are you stressed or anxious about anything? If this is likely to be a temporary thing you could try a herbal supplement. I occasionally use Blackmore's Tranquil Night (I'm in Australia so I'm not sure if this brand is available to you) and find it does help.

    Alternatively, there are medical issues that could be causing your lethargy. Have you had your iron levels checked? Too little or too much iron can result in you feeling tired and lethargic. It may also pay to have your thyroid, blood pressure and blood sugar checked as these can also all result in being tired and lethargic.

    I'd start with the environmental things (those things you can change) before going the medical route. If things don't improve though, make sure you see your doctor. There's nothing worse than feeling lethargic all the time, not knowing why and not being able to explain it to those around you.

    I hope that helped some.
  • XFreckle_LipX
    XFreckle_LipX Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks guys I will have a look at all of these suggestions. I have suffered with Anemia in the past but this feels different and I am taking an iron supplement so I really dont think that this is the problem. I think if I get into a decent sleep routine that this will change things dramatically for me but thats the problem I just cant sleep. Its a catch 22 really! lol
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I had a similar issue for a solid last week (that through yesterday). From what I can tell it was because I was mentally wearing down from work, then physically wearing down from all the exercise I did at home to relieve stress from work, on top of late nights for class/homework, and just not sleeping well. I slept most of the weekend and did no exercise to speak of since last Sunday but stuck to my calories. I managed to not gain, but I feel more refreshed from taking that time off to let my body recouperate in terms of muscles and sleep. So maybe a bit of a break is all you need. Doesn't hurt to try, good luck!
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Well Im extremely tired all the time lately. :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: Just cant seem to get motiviated to even go for a walk never mind the gym and I am getting very frustrated with myself because of this.:mad: :mad::sad:

    Has anyone any suggestions on anything that may bring my energy levels up???? Im not sleeping great to be honest and have tried changing my diet but think I might be missing something fairly simple. I drink alot of water so I knows its not dehydration. Any ideas????


    Somebody else had very similar symptoms as you on this site a few weeks ago. They went to the doctor and it was discovered they had water intoxication. They had drank so much water that it was dissolving the sodium in the body and upsetting their electrolytes.

    It is an extremely dangerous situation to be in if it is water intoxication, it is not something to be ignored, it will not go away if it is that, but I have to say that you need to drink quite a lot to get it.

    I would definitely go to the doctor if I were you and explain, tell him what you have told everybody here. If it turns out it is not that, he will be able to advise you accordingly, you could be anaemic or just run down.

    I hope everything sorts itself quickly for you.
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