lost and confused (please help)

Ok, before i begin let me give you some history. I have been heavy my entire life, i have never eaten healthy, never worked out much, and never given any real effort to losing weight.Until now.

I started MFP on September 4th 2013 weighing 300 lbs, i am now stuck at 284.I do my best to work out 4 times a week usually doing c25k or walking for atleast 30 minutes on those days then do some sort of strength training (whatever i can find on youtube or nike training club)
Since I have never tried to lose weight before, i for sure know absolutely nothing about how i should go about it. As far as i knew until this point, was "if i wanted to lose weight eat less and do more". That's what I've been doing. More times than not at the end of the day my diary informs me i am not eating enough and my metabolism will be affected because my body goes into starvation mode and stores fat (perhaps why i cant get past 284?)
Don't get me wrong, I AM NOT trying to starve myself, i love food with a passion. I am guilty of being an emotional eater and at times even binge a little, but I'm far from starving. I'm just eating less than i was. I tend to eat like crap because that is whats available, but i don't over do it. My cal. goal is 1620, my average for the last six days is 1328 cals. before exercise and 1009 net. according to the info a friend gave me my bmr(?) should be 1101 so i'm not super far off which makes me feel a little better, but its still under 1200 is that a problem?
I want a lifestyle change not a diet, I want to do this right. i know nothing about nutrition or what is healthy or not and why, i truly need help and i don't know where to get it if anyone could help even a little i would appreciate it. also if you could explain in layman's terms it would be much easier to follow.


  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    If you are netting around 1000 calories, you really need to eat more, and eat better. Don't eat crap just for calories, or just because its there...make good food choices. With a calorie goal of over 1300, PLUS eating back your exercise calories, you should have plenty of choices to eat very well indeed with a little planning and care. You only have one body...treat her right! At this point you aren't seriously under-eating, but its difficult to get sufficient nutrition to cover your macro and micro goals. "Starvation mode" is not a thing you need to worry much about...but improper nutrition can indeed make your metabolism adjust in ways that just make it that much harder to lose. You CAN do this. You probably know more about nutrition than you think you do...lean meats, fruits and veggies, whole grains..all those good common sense things are where you start. And there's no reason not to enjoy something now and then that isn't strictly the healthiest choice...if it fits your macros, enjoy!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member

    I want a lifestyle change not a diet, I want to do this right.

    So eat better - cut the crap and eat at least 1200 net. Just try and make some better choices - you don't have to be perfect all at once. Swap out some of the "crap" as you said you eat for some healthier choices - fruits, veggies, nutbutters, etc.. You've got this. 15 lbs lost is a great start!
  • Ian_Stuart
    Ian_Stuart Posts: 252 Member
    I'm going to post this article that I always post when a woman asks how to make a change. I think it will really help if you read it. Especially if you love food the way I do.

  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    My cal. goal is 1620, my average for the last six days is 1328 cals. before exercise and 1009 net. according to the info a friend gave me my bmr(?) should be 1101 so i'm not super far off which makes me feel a little better, but its still under 1200 is that a problem?

    No, it is not a problem, there is nothing magic about the number "1200". You have a great deal of weight to lose, your body can easily handle that calorie level just fine.

    Just be careful "eating back" exercise calories. Your walking is going to burn about 85 calories/mile, so make sure you aren't eating back too much.

    And watch your macros - make sure you're getting a decent allotment of protein and sufficient fat.
  • MandyMason7
    MandyMason7 Posts: 185 Member
    according to the info a friend gave me my bmr(?) should be 1101 so i'm not super far off which makes me feel a little better,

    I absolutely GUARANTEE your BMR is WAY higher than 1101.

  • Ian_Stuart
    Ian_Stuart Posts: 252 Member
    Here is a good calculator for BMR and TDEE: http://www.1percentedge.com/ifcalc/
  • TheLadyBane
    TheLadyBane Posts: 299 Member
    I started logging my food when I weighed 242 pounds and I netted about 1750 calories a day and lost weight at a quick and steady pace. Now I am 159 pounds. MFP and other calculators give me a target calorie goal of 1300 but I found that to be too low for me. Now I net about 1500 calories a day and am still losing weight at a steady, healthy pace.

    Others may disagree but for me the quality of foods I eat is very, very important. I tend to make majority of my own meals. I eat out on occasion but look up nutrition information before going out so I can make choices that fit into my macros and calorie target. I also customized my macro targets to best suit my needs. On average I get about 30-34% protein, 45-49% carbs, and 20-24% fats, and over 35 grams of fiber. This works for me because it keeps me full and fuels my workouts.

    Different people will find different things that work best for them. I have a friend who has been losing with me. She eats more carbs and fats because her preferred method of exercise is running and she finds that this fuel her better. While we both have lost at different paces and have different calorie targets and macros, we have found a happy medium we can stick with and have both seen great improvements.

    I'd recommend eating lots of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. You can still indulge in your favorite foods but try to get them to fit into the targets you set. Give yourself some time and stick with eating at a deficit and moving more. You are right on the money there. That will work, just give yourself time to see the results! You can figure out the details of what works best for you as you continue to work on your health.

    *Edited to correct typo
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    according to the info a friend gave me my bmr(?) should be 1101 so i'm not super far off which makes me feel a little better,

    I absolutely GUARANTEE your BMR is WAY higher than 1101.


    With that much weight to lose, you have to use Katch-McCardle or you will get a serious over-estimate. Go here:

  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    No, it is not a problem, there is nothing magic about the number "1200". You have a great deal of weight to lose, your body can easily handle that calorie level just fine.

    Just be careful "eating back" exercise calories. Your walking is going to burn about 85 calories/mile, so make sure you aren't eating back too much.

    And watch your macros - make sure you're getting a decent allotment of protein and sufficient fat.

    Nah, her mile is probably a lot higher burn at her weight unless she walks really, really slowly :)

    OP, I don't have much additional advice. I still eat crap, but I eat a lot of good stuff, too (more than bad). I never do well if I can't have any crap, because I don't get enough protein if I don't eat some 'bad' stuff, the way my habits/tastes work out. It's fine. I ate the same way last time and only re-gained out of sheer laziness, basically ;)

    Lots of people here don't eat clean all the time. Do try to eat more healthily, but it doesn't have to be perfect. Moderation is fine, imho.
  • Ian_Stuart
    Ian_Stuart Posts: 252 Member
    I guessed at a few things (You may not be 5'6", for instance) but these numbers should be in the right ballpark.

    Your BMR at 284lbs is near 2300. This is the number of calories you would need to eat to maintain weight if you were in a coma and not burning any through activity.
    Your TDEE (Total daily energy expenditure) is closer to 2700. This is how many calories you would need to maintain weight assuming normal daily activity
    In order to lose, you should eat below the TDEE, but if you eat too far below it, you get into some negative effects, like decreased energy levels, etc...

    When I am trying to lose, I typically go about 20% below my TDEE, which for you is about 2250 calories a day. This should prevent you from being too hungry.
  • stormydestiny
    thank you everyone. according to IIFYM (Katch-McCardle) my BMR is1797 and TDEE is 2550...so how much should i be eating to lose? im sorry im just really confused,but i really enjoyed the article on nerd fitness shes my new hero.

    questions...i feel like ive been quite active compared to what i was and i am eating less cals than my bmr, shouldnt i be losing weight? UGH IM SO CONFUSED! ...side note... im not usually hungry or tired im just not seeing any improvements.
  • Ian_Stuart
    Ian_Stuart Posts: 252 Member
    I would aim for 20% less than your TDEE (around 2050 calories) and if you log any exercise on MFP, eat at least half of what it says you burned doing the workout. (i.e. if you walked and burned 300 calories, eat an additional 150 to 300 calories that day.)
  • stormydestiny
    so i would have better results eating 2050 than the 1620 MFP has me log?
  • Ian_Stuart
    Ian_Stuart Posts: 252 Member
    Yes. I'm really not sure how MFP even came up with that number.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    so i would have better results eating 2050 than the 1620 MFP has me log?

    The difference is that with the 2050 (TDEE-20%) you do not eat back your exercise calories since it is figured in. So in fact they will be pretty close if you eat 1620 and your exercise calories.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member

    Follow this and it will give you all the basics and help you out. It is great information
  • Ian_Stuart
    Ian_Stuart Posts: 252 Member
    The difference is that with the 2050 (TDEE-20%) you do not eat back your exercise calories since it is figured in. So in fact they will be pretty close if you eat 1620 and your exercise calories.

    This is not correct! TDEE as MFP calculates it only includes basic daily activities. NOT workouts. So you wouldn't be right to add things like sitting at a desk, or driving, but you WOULD want to add exercise activities and be sure to eat some calories to account for that.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    The difference is that with the 2050 (TDEE-20%) you do not eat back your exercise calories since it is figured in. So in fact they will be pretty close if you eat 1620 and your exercise calories.

    This is not correct! TDEE as MFP calculates it only includes basic daily activities. NOT workouts. So you wouldn't be right to add things like sitting at a desk, or driving, but you WOULD want to add exercise activities and be sure to eat some calories to account for that.

    MFP does not calculate TDEE,
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    First up, ALL numbers are estimates, so don't stress about finding the exact number that will work.

    Eating more than your BMR but less than your TDEE and you should lose weight. That gives you a good range to work within. Pick 1800, say. Try that for a few weeks and see how it goes. Make adjustments after you've given it a decent trial.

    And - diet is much more important than exercsie in losing weight (though the exercise is good for you in many ways). So get your food diary right as a priority.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    2) BMR/RMR
    Basal Metabolic Rate or Resting Metabolic Rate.
    This covers all body functions outside of activity.
    If you were in a coma and you were fed enough nutrients to keep you alive, Thats BMR.
    Think "Baseline Calories" if you did absolutely nothing.
    All vital organs are covered when eating BMR.

    3) TDEE
    Total Daily Energy Expenditure
    This is the total amount of calories you burn in a 24hour period.
    You wake up, brush your teeth, lift, run, play, work.....
    You get the idea.
    One thing I've noticed over the years is people underestimate activity.
    They say "I'm sitting at my computer all day long so i'm sedentary!"
    I'll ask "Workout routine?"
    They say "Oh i run for 3 hours a day and do CrossFit all weekend long!"

    If you sit all day and barely walk and dont workout, Sedentary.
    If you workout 1-2x a week, Light.
    If you workout 3-5x a week, Moderate.
    If you workout 5+, active/very active.

    Youll find these numbers at the bottom of the BMR page in Fat 2 Fit.
    You can also use other calculators around the internet.

    Once you have TDEE you can decide what to set MFP calories to.
    I recommend -20% for individuals who are Obese and under.
    -30% for individuals who are Obese and over.