Anyone else need to lose 150lbs

I started Monday on a new diet have a long way to go. Need some support from someone with around the same goal as mine. been on this site for 2 years without results. Im not blaming the site this is a great tool I blame myself but this time im going to do it. Just need a little push from time to time.


  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I have lost a little over 80 pounds---very....very....very....s...l...o...w...l....y~ ! And I still have a l....o....n....g way to go! Lets be friends! WE can do this!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • spiffy_peanut
    Hi I need to lose 150 lbs I have been on and off my diet for a year I had a "heart attack scare" on friday I need to do this for myself and my family I could use a little push myself sometimes
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    I too have been on this site for quite sometime. first year was great lost 35 lbs. The second year I gained it all back and then just lurked about for maybe another year.

    I really want to get back to eating better, feeling better, looking better, living better...
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    You can definitely do it! I started with a goal of about 150 lbs to lose and I'm about half way there. Log everything, add in some activity, and be patient.
  • BokBagok
    BokBagok Posts: 345
    I just started myself and I'm trying to lose over 120. I don't post much, but going through the same thing with others can be nice. Feel free to freind me.
  • fpelletier
    fpelletier Posts: 365 Member
    Yep that is my start goal to lose 150, now 110ish since I've lost 40 in 6 months. I suspect I might want to lose more when I hit my first goal of 180 but we'll see! I log daily and try to comment on friends daily, so feel free to send a request, just send a quick note mentioning this thread :)
  • TxLizzy58
    I need to lose even more than that, and I've done it before so I know I can do it again. And you can, too! One day at a time, one pound at a time!
  • Xusn96
    I'm right there with you Mike. At my heavyest weight as measured at the sleep study offices was 372. I restarted in earnest back in Sept. with my own gym program at Charter Fitness and have reached 350 from 365. As you see the ticker below shows my current weight as of Monday 11/11. I try to weigh only on Monday, to avoid the daily yoyo that is hydration. When I first posted here with a ticker, I was mortified to see it displaying my weight and how far I have yet to go... In a few short minutes I am overcoming that anxiety. And I will let it display. Because that is not who I am, not anymore.

    The biggest challenges have been to stop the random snacking outside of planned meals and snacks. Shifting diet hasn't been to hard for me, focusing on reducing carbs, eating more nuts, and less starchy foods and trying and usually failing to avoid highly processed foods, like mac and cheese, but its so good. LOL.

    Starting the workouts is the hardest part. The first week or two if you are pushing it, meaning working hard, will suck. You will be in pain. not the pains you have grown used to, but muscle aches, no it's not fun. Start slow, go for 5 minutes or 10 if you can. Don't worry about impressing anyone, you aren't there for them, you are there for you, and for the others in your life, but mostly for you. The pain will subside after the first week or two. You may need to take some aleve or something like it daily to help with swelling and painful joints, icing is also useful, especially "ice massage" on joints(which works but sucks).Slowly increase your TIME, Distance in the beginning is not important, time is. I use a heart rate program on the ellipticals at the gym, so my goal is to achieve a heart rate and keep it there for a period of time. If you aren't getting winded and sweating, you aren't working hard enough. YOU CAN. slowly increase your heart rate from week to week and durations. 5 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 25,... you will slowly increase your endurance, strengthen your heart, increase your lung capacity, and lower recovery time.


    Listen to your body, it will tell you how far you can go. Don't skip!! I know if I skip more than 2 days, I suffer for that, make it a routine.

    Make your gym time(read your health, your life) a priority.

    If you don't have time it is because it is not a priority to you, not because you don't have time. Read that again slowly and understand it.

    This is not some short term experiment, if it is you will fail. You must make a life change, and it must be a priority.

    You Can bro.

    X aka Joe
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Great post Xusn96! I am back and need to hear thoese things again. thanks.
  • Mickey2u
    Mickey2u Posts: 21 Member
    i agree great post.

    I have over 150lbs to lose also. about 6 months ago I hit my highest which was 415lbs. I am down to 374 and I really haven't started exercising much outside of a recumbent bike a couple times a week.

    Sent a friend request.
  • rachelerwin
    rachelerwin Posts: 140 Member
    Ive logged in for 517 consecutive days and in that time I have lost 150 pounds. It's definitely an achievable goal. People always ask me what my secret is. I tell them no secrets just counting calories. No food is off limits to me. Just start by making small changes. The first step is the always the hardest. I wish you the best!
  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    I started out May 2012 with a goal of losing 155 lbs. I have exceeded that and would still like to lose another 10-15 lbs. You can do this! You need to be honest with yourself and track your food and stay within your calorie budget. Make small changes at first. Sometimes people go into with the best of intentions, but are so restrictive that they tend to give up because they are miserable. Weight loss is can certainly be a mind game. You need to have will power and want to better yourself. MFP is a great tool and I am sure that you will meet supportive people who are help you become a healthier person.
  • KayleighIsGoingFatToFit
    I have about 140lbs to lose and looking for support so anyone feel free to add me...WE CAN DO THIS :) !!!!
  • CarlaYvonne
    CarlaYvonne Posts: 38 Member
    I have 154 pounds to loose - I am almost half way there - Started this journey in 2011 - hit a bump along the road and ended up with my beautiful 5 month old daughter - So now I am back at it - Any one feel free to send a FR! :-)
  • Sarahndipity30
    Sarahndipity30 Posts: 312 Member
    i have about 125 to lose (so not quite 150). I have been on MFP Since September. i have lost and gained back the same 10 lbs, due to calories in not so much out. One thing I will suggest, is don't look at it as a "Diet" this time around..It should be a commitment for life to treat your body better and live healthier. If you can see past the rules of "dieting" you stand a chance! it has been trial and error for myself for the past 3 months, I have finally figure dout a number that works for me and I am dedicating myself more to the gym. It is simple..calories in calories out. being more active period will help you. If you eat too much one day don't beat yourself up..tomorrow is a new day! LOG EVERYTHING! No one is going to judge you and if you don't log everything you put in your mouth, you are only cheating yourself in the end. it is kind of a rude awakening when you look at the numbers of everything you are actually eating! :O

    Invest in a food scale if you haven't already. This thing has literally saved my life. it makes this whole calorie counting thing a breeze.

    lastly, believe in yourself. believe that you deserve to healthy and fit and be HAPPy with your life because you know what? YOU DO! Everyone deserves that! This is the only body that we time to start owning up to our pas tmistakes and more than anything else LETTING THEM GO. i turn to food for almost everything..but no more!

    Push through the trial and errors and move forward. I would have given up 2 months ago when i gained the weight back and didn't see the scale moving. But my friends here on MFP kept me going. Im at almost 100 days logging and I weigh myself once a week instead of everyday (because weight fluctuates POUNDS sometimes!) I also measure everything. I may weigh the same but ive lost almost 9 inches since september from Strength training alone.


    You are GREAT. You are STRONG. You DO deserve to be HAPPY. I wish you the best of luck. Do NOT give up on yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • nikkis01
    nikkis01 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm in that ballpark - started again about 10 days ago after hitting an all time high!! I'm looking for support and friends to join me along the way - friend requests welcome :D
  • anewlife1980
    anewlife1980 Posts: 225 Member
    Hi! You are welcome to add me. I started my journey in Feb & so far have 91lbs gone (weigh in is tomorrow!). You can do this, have patience & make yourself stick with it. Weeks 3-4 are usually the hardest so if you can get past those you will do great. By week 6 this was no longer a thing to do for me but a way of life, things had become easier, it was natural instinct by then. Once it becomes second nature & not a diet it will def become easier for you. But it can sometimes take a little while to get your brain to switch from "diet" mode to "new way of life" but you can def get there!!

    Good luck on your journey!
  • Whereismycoffee
    Whereismycoffee Posts: 130 Member
    Hi! I'm in that same goal area that you are. I started out on my own not long ago, and finally found this site. I still have a long way to go. You can do this! Just log in a few minutes every day and take baby steps if you need to. Its a change of life not a diet! You will have plenty of support here.

    Xusn96 is right, 5 minutes is better then no minutes. Small steps to a big change!

    edit oops! I meant to also say, that it's not a diet. It's a lifestyle.
  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    Hi Guys, I was there once. I am down about 160 from my all time high weight. 2011 was my big "whoosh" year where I pulled off 100 pounds.

    I've always been one of the heaviest people I knew. I'm now thinner than most of my aging fiends. Most people that haven't known me long are shocked when I show them a pic. It's actually quite fun. I couldn't run a block when I started in 2011. Now, I'm in far better shape now than the average guy my age.

    I Just wanted you guys know there is light at the end of that tunnel. Xusn's advice is very good. Your weight loss will take 12-18 months. It's a marathon, not a Sprint. Find a plan you can live with for the rest of your life.

    I know you guys didn't ask for advice, but mine is simple- keep the crap out of the house. Eat a little less than you want, and wait about 90 minutes before you eat anything else. Feel free to eat WHEN you want. I am a night eater and ate most of my calories at night before bed. Take one cheat meal a week- not a cheat DAY, (and not a 5000 calorie chinese buffet blowout either). But if you want a cheeseburger and fries, or a few slices of pizza and have otherwise been good all week have at it.

    Important- There is a difference between WEIGHT loss and FAT loss. Learn the difference. You want the latter. I lost a lot of muscle mass when losing because I pushed too hard and did too much cardio on too little fuel. Start a basic weight lifting program, which will help "tell" your body you need to retain the muscle.

    Eat PLENTY of protein- my suggestion would be 150gs+ a day for men.

    Eat PLENTY of protein- my suggestion would be 150gs+ a day for men.

    Eat PLENTY of protein- my suggestion would be 150gs+ a day for men.

    Eat PLENTY of protein- my suggestion would be 150gs+ a day for men.

    Oh, did I mention Eat PLENTY of protein- my suggestion would be 150gs+ a day for men. :)

    Best wishes and good luck!
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    You can do this.
    If you log everything and be consistant it will happen!
    Best of luck!