Paleo Mini Ice Cream Sandwich

billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
Since going paleo/X-fit, its been difficult with bringing the family into the only proper way of eating. This weekend I made "Ice Cream" sandwiches for everyone. They are a little small, so plan on making a bunch.

1 cup cauliflower
1/2 pound bacon from the butcher
1 tbs vanilla extract

Blend cauliflower in a blender and add 1 tbs vanilla until it forms a puree.

Lay 2 strips of uncooked bacon perpendicular to each other

scoup cauliflower into the bacon so that one can wrap the two pieces forming a pocket.

Here is the tricky part.
heat a pan to HOT (important)
spray with not stick pam if you don't have Teflon coated pans.

slide the bacon pocket off a spatula into the pan, so the ice cream doesn't leak out. It takes a few tries to get it down path.

Only cook this enough to firm up the sides, then flip. NO more than 30 - 60 seconds per side at the most!

Place in freezer over night.

YUM, then you have frozen Paleo mini ice cream sandwiches. My 1 year old doesn't even know the difference.
