water weight- where abouts did if come off you?

Hi guys,
I have extreme difficultly having any weight come off me, mainly as I only had 6 pounds until I reached goal weight. I decided to do do a strict Atkins style diet, and after only a few days I have lost 4.4 pounds!
Knowing this is water weight, I measured myself- waist, lower tummy, hips, 3 areas of my thighs. Hasn't changed one bit.
So my question is, when you have dropped weight quick and know it must be water weight, where in your body did you see the changes? Could I really have lost 4 pounds of water from other areas of my body? (the ones I know my measurements for are the ones that are my very stubborn areas)



  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You lose a little bit from everywhere just the same as you would fat. It doesn't all come from one place. All of your tissues and organs hold moisture.
  • hannah_d1989
    hannah_d1989 Posts: 57 Member
    Yea I did think you would lose a little bit everywhere, but assumed that you would have more water weight in the areas with more fat! Maybe my measurements will catch up in a few days.