started training

I hired a trainer to help me get my body where i want it to be, but since saturday I've gained 6 lbs and I've only trained twice with my trainer. During my training sessions i only do strength training and i do cardio on my own. Prior to hiring a trainer i had already been working out for 7 consecutive days. My question is could i have gained muscle weight in such small amout of time??? I do have to admit my eating habits have been out of control =( my struggle to get fit is so real


  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    No, your muscles are retaining more glycogen, which means they have to hold more water.

  • My question is could i have gained muscle weight in such small amout of time???

    I do have to admit my eating habits have been out of control =( my struggle to get fit is so real
    this is your problem
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    What they said! When you change your routine especially strength like you have your body will hold onto more water to help repair. Wait it out and you will eventually drop this and start to lose. However diet is 80% of the battle so I would work on that as well to help you reach your goals.
  • sjayleen
    sjayleen Posts: 18 Member
    ugh!! i know i just didnt want to admit it to my self. thanks
  • sjayleen
    sjayleen Posts: 18 Member
    thanks for explaining, and thanks for supporting =).