Just started an Insanity Group.......



  • Audrey24HisSuccessStory
    Awesome, i'm in!! I appreciate and need all the support I can get!
  • Audrey24HisSuccessStory
    I just started an insanity group for those who are just starting it. I am starting insanity Monday December 9, 2013 so I'd love for anyone else starting then to join too :) The groups name is: Insanity Start date 12-9-13. Just search it and you should be able to add yourself because it's a public group which on the start date I'll switch to private so we can share what we want without it being public to everyone

    Here's the link for those interested, http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/17867-insanity-start-date-12-9-13
  • nicky10blue
    I'm in
  • nicky10blue
    Only problem is just how busy I will be in jan for th first 3weeks. I really want to start with a group so that I have accountability and also there is someone out there doing and feeling like me.