Relatively light people trying to get leaner



  • skatyal90
    skatyal90 Posts: 1 Member
    @stroutman81 thank you for answering so many of our questions! One thing I don't quite understand is why not first 'cut' (aka lose weight to your desired goal weight) and then 'bulk' (strength train for that lean muscular look)? For me in particular, I have thicker thighs than the average person and I have seen women who do lots of strength training have really muscular legs. I know genetics dictate a lot of what your body type is and how large your thighs are but I am trying to avoid my fate of large legs. Is wanting muscle loss so that you can lean out overall (and my thighs specifically) and then adding it back strength training and muscles later really that bad?
  • byron2153
    byron2153 Posts: 1 Member
    Bump to read later
  • alexmose
    alexmose Posts: 792 Member
    Bump to read later too