not good at this

Hi everyone!! I have been counting calories and running for one month and have not lost a pound! Can you tell me what the secret is? I want to lose 30 pounds. I'm 160 pounds and want to be nearer to my old healthy weight of 130. Some days I exercise and some days I don't. Some days I am sedentary at work (at my desk) and some days I'll spend all day at work on my feet. I'm 29 and 5 foot 5. How do I lose 30 pounds in 5 or 6 months? I appreciate your guidance!

I'd like to add that I am a seafood eating vegetarian. I count every morsel and own a food scale. I have been thin before with diet and exercise but I wavered and am overweight again :( I am older now and also quit smoking 2 months ago. I wonder if I should gain muscle or see a doctor? I run because I enjoy it and am training for a 10K. Plus running doesn't require a gym membership lol! I get plenty of protein and don't carbo load. What gives? And how do I know how much to eat each day based on daily activity variances? Anyone in the same boat?


  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Wow, so many questions! :)

    First of all, you need to loosen up your expectations. You might be able to lose 30 pounds in 6 months but it will very likely take more like 8-12 months. I say this because with that amount, a healthy rate of loss is about 1 pound per week. Once you get closer to goal the rate goes down to 1/2 a pound per week.

    Good to know you're accurate with tracking, that's usually where a lot of people go wrong. At 29, I wouldn't call you "older" but the quitting smoking may be slowing things down a bit - nicotine is a stimulant so your body is still likely still dealing with the recovery and may take a few more months to return to normal. It's good that youre eating well and exercising and that you're young - those are all in your favor for sure!

    When you set up your MFP account, even though it asks you about your exercise goal, it doesn't actually take those calories into account until you log your exercise. And you should eat back those calories earned - at least half but more if hungry. I've always eaten my earned calories back but I go by an HRM, not MFP calculations (which tend to be overestimates).

    Hope that helps. Good luck with your 10k!
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    If you want to lose weight, you need to get your calorie deficit working. Whatever you're doing now, it isn't enough. Your math is not working in your favor. Cut at least 100 more calories per day, and see if after two weeks, you are seeing results. If you're not losing, it's because you don't have a calorie deficit. Create a calorie deficit, and you'll lose weight. Did I mention the calorie deficit? Because that's really the only thing you need to worry about. People try to throw all sorts of other distractions into the mix: Am I in Starvation Mode™? (No) Did I Break My Metabolism™? (No) Do I Need To Eat More Calories™? (No). Calorie deficit. Calorie deficit. Calorie deficit.

    Oh, and one last thing: CALORIE DEFICIT. :huh: