Old fat runners unite! C25k



  • skinny4me2be
    skinny4me2be Posts: 358 Member
    I completed the couch to 5K (age 44), and then moved on to the couch to 10 K --I very much enjoyed the walk/run ration on the couch to 5K--and I think I may go back to that to increase my mileage. WIth the 10K I'm running 45-50minutes-Love IT that I'm actually running that much for that long--but getting bored and not getting as far as i like. I run at 4.5mph.
  • MamaDubbs65
    MamaDubbs65 Posts: 43 Member
    Wow - that's impressive Skinny! Where do you run? I'm only doing a treadmill for now. I'm curious what you and others do to keep interested after completing the 5k program.
  • janessafantasma
    janessafantasma Posts: 312 Member
    I had started C25K and I am NOT a runner... I have severe hypermobility in my knees and my friends always make fun of it because its so bad, I also once had my physical therapist tell me that in the event of a zombie apocalypse I should have a car. My running is THAT bad. I really enjoyed C25K and it was so easy, I made it to week three but ended up with a lung infection that had me on bed rest for about two weeks. I am just finally getting over it and can now walk up and down stairs and do light cardio activities without getting faint or having difficulty breathing. I would love to start this program again!
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    Wow - that's impressive Skinny! Where do you run? I'm only doing a treadmill for now. I'm curious what you and others do to keep interested after completing the 5k program.

    I'm in the UK and started doing my local Park Run (http://www.parkrun.org.uk/ ) on a Saturday morning. It looks like they are held worldwide too: http://www.parkrun.com/countries/ . Challenging my PB each week keeps it interesting and its really friendly with all abilities and ages present. My best so far is 2nd from last (of about 40 runners) but I've taken 1 min 48s off my PB since the start of Nov. I also did my first 10k last Sunday - I was slow (1hr 29mins) but ran it without stopping or walking and some of it was trail running including styles and gates!
  • skinny4me2be
    skinny4me2be Posts: 358 Member
    @mamadubbs--when I was doing the C25k I was doing a combo of running out side and then treadmill on bad weather days. Now that the frigid cold has set in here in MN-I've reverted to treadmill only--I think that's half my problem of keeping up on it. After the C25K I picked up on the Couch to 10K on week 9 I think it was.

    Being I'm on the treadmill--I find a show I can totally be engaged in watching otherwise I count how many more songs until my walk break. If I find I'm involved in a show I don't pay much attention to the music and how many songs have gone on. When I found that others do half marathons and full marathons doing a walk/run method - I thought about going back to that to get working on my distance. I'm such a SLOW runner. Last night I did 4minute runs and 1 minute walks for 30minutes (that's all the time I had) - and to be honest, I really enjoyed that-this weekend I'm going to try to go farther than what I did last night........I have to get it through my thick skull that the walk/run interval type running is still running-in my brain ' running has to be constant'...but after reading on here-I've learned otherwise. Hope that helps! :-)
  • MamaDubbs65
    MamaDubbs65 Posts: 43 Member
    My brain works the same way. I think running is running the whole time. I'm trying not to concentrate so much on the time left during my run sessions. I just can't stop looking at the countdown on my phone! Today I think I will flip the phone over so I can't see it. I live in southern Wisconsin, so the weather is bad enough to keep me inside right now and I just can't get into a TV program enough to distract me. I'm hoping to get to that point where I "enjoy" running but for now, it's work. The challenge is what keeps me going.
  • todayis4me
    todayis4me Posts: 184 Member
    37 years old....177 pounds....did c25k started in June ran my first 5k in Sept. Totally loving my new running ability! Feel free to friend me! At gym now but will definitely read this thread later.....time to run;)
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I'm in for C25K. I'm 51yo, 5'4", 198lb old fat chick. I have started c25k numerous times, never getting past week 2. However, I completed my first 5K in October in 44:01, and I can routinely walk 10K at a 15:00-16:00 pace.

    I know I have the endurance, now I just have to start running. I'm getting dressed to take it to the gym to re-start my C25K training on the treadmill this morning. I have to, because I have signed up for the Capital City 10K (Austin Tx) in March.
  • MamaDubbs65
    MamaDubbs65 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm a big fella (270 lbs) and old (52) relatively healthy but dreadfully unfit and I started this 8 weeks ago with the aim of getting fit and losing a bit of pudding, I got as far as the middle of W4D2 before having to take a break due to a knee injury which is now almost healed and I'm really looking forward to getting back running (I never thought I would type that last sentence)

    Some general comments

    * I continue to surprise myself, the gradual build up of run/walk ratio really helps
    * Beginning of week 4 was horrendous but I did it and the next one too
    * I'm using the "Run 5K " ap which is tremendous and well worth the investment
    * I know the ap tells me not to but if I'm feeling good at the end of a run I will do an extra set or two of run/walks
    * I have taken to walking 5K on the day I don't run which really helps
    * I seem to run very slowly (5.5 K/Hour) I feel at the end i will be able to run for 30 minutes rather than 5K
    * My joints ache like buggery sometimes but I have a great feeling of self satisfaction
    * I lost 21lb and 3" from my waist in 8 weeks, my clothes fit better and my skin has improved

    Next steps

    * Get back on the treadmill (hopefully next week)
    * Start running outside (even if it is cold, wet and miserable)
    * 75lb more to lose

    "loosing a bit of pudding". LOL!!

    Hey - hope you're getting better and ready to hit the treadmill. I hurt all the time, especially the night of a workout. But I figure if I'm going to hurt, I might as well hurt doing something good for me. My goal is to run a 5k by running the whole time, regardless how long it takes. Right now I just try to hit 2 miles during my workouts. I only run at 4.0 mph. Today is week 4 day 1 for me - wish me luck!!
  • MamaDubbs65
    MamaDubbs65 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm in for C25K. I'm 51yo, 5'4", 198lb old fat chick. I have started c25k numerous times, never getting past week 2. However, I completed my first 5K in October in 44:01, and I can routinely walk 10K at a 15:00-16:00 pace.

    I know I have the endurance, now I just have to start running. I'm getting dressed to take it to the gym to re-start my C25K training on the treadmill this morning. I have to, because I have signed up for the Capital City 10K (Austin Tx) in March.

    Impressive walking pace!! Looks like you walk as fast as I run :)

    Good luck today with restarting the program!!!
  • discoveredamber
    discoveredamber Posts: 379 Member
    I have just finished week 5 day 3. Woohoo! Anyway you guys are doing an amazing job. Keep it up.
  • todayis4me
    todayis4me Posts: 184 Member
    I have to hide the clock....and I zone out to music...or audio book although that is tougher. I run every other day on treadmill....I try to take to the streets when I can....keep progressing at your pace. No shame in repeating a week. Make sure you stretch before and after. Also I take a supplement for joints to protect my knees....that was even before running. I started my journey @285 pounds @5'2.
  • curlsintherack
    curlsintherack Posts: 465 Member
    i wanted to tell you all that it can be done i started it the 9th of october when my son asked me if i could take him to the zombie run on tv. He is 3 and wanted pushed in a jogging stroller. I told him that no i couldn't do that. telling my son that i couldn't do something hurt pretty bad so i decided to fix that. On thanksgiving i ran 4.3 miles without stopping and some sections went uphill and you beginning runners know how bad the uphill is. i did it every other day rain shine or snow in some cases. i ran a mix of dirt road walking paths and on the road. if i can do it you all can too.

    A few of the things that helped me was googling propper breathing techniques and also your running speed should be a speed at which you could still carry on a conversation. My first day with the c25k app i ran at an 8 minute mile for those short intervals. i now find that i run comfortably just under or just above a 10 minute mile depending on how far i run. there were a lot of days towards the beginning i wanted to quit but around week 6 for me it clicked and i got it. now i look forward to the runs even more than the weight training.

    I am open to new mfp friends if anyone needs some encouragement let me know. Also I am signed up for my next zombie 5k my son and i will be there together. I am considering a half marathon in may. pretty good for a guy who used to hate to run.
  • MamaDubbs65
    MamaDubbs65 Posts: 43 Member
    i wanted to tell you all that it can be done i started it the 9th of october when my son asked me if i could take him to the zombie run on tv. He is 3 and wanted pushed in a jogging stroller. I told him that no i couldn't do that. telling my son that i couldn't do something hurt pretty bad so i decided to fix that. On thanksgiving i ran 4.3 miles without stopping and some sections went uphill and you beginning runners know how bad the uphill is. i did it every other day rain shine or snow in some cases. i ran a mix of dirt road walking paths and on the road. if i can do it you all can too.

    A few of the things that helped me was googling propper breathing techniques and also your running speed should be a speed at which you could still carry on a conversation. My first day with the c25k app i ran at an 8 minute mile for those short intervals. i now find that i run comfortably just under or just above a 10 minute mile depending on how far i run. there were a lot of days towards the beginning i wanted to quit but around week 6 for me it clicked and i got it. now i look forward to the runs even more than the weight training.

    I am open to new mfp friends if anyone needs some encouragement let me know. Also I am signed up for my next zombie 5k my son and i will be there together. I am considering a half marathon in may. pretty good for a guy who used to hate to run.

    That's what I'm talking about!!! What inspiration your son is. Love your story!!!!

    Well, I was scared to death today knowing I would have to do 2 six minute runs. My hubby was making fun of me 'cuz I was so nervous walking into the Y. I even forgot my socks in the car because I was so scatter brained. This time I flipped my phone around which helped. And guess what - I DID IT!!! My hubby was so proud of me :D
  • todayis4me
    todayis4me Posts: 184 Member
    Fabulous!!!!! I have found my body can do so much more that my mind wants to admit!!!!
  • cllmetatrsld
    cllmetatrsld Posts: 58 Member
    I am on day 2 of Week 8 so I am close to the finish! Let me tell you, when I started this it was hard making it 2 minutes without wanting to die...now I am doing 28!...and want to die. lol

    I did it a little differently though because I didn't want to fall off the wagon, and I have only NOT finished a run once (felt sick). I did each week (2-5) twice so as to get more used to running before moving on to the next week. I don't think I would have made it this far if I didn't. I really don't like running but I DO really like how I feel once I have finished the run. I can't wait to finish and say that I did it! I would like to be a runner but I really don't enjoy it very much...so boring.
  • MamaDubbs65
    MamaDubbs65 Posts: 43 Member
    I am on day 2 of Week 8 so I am close to the finish! Let me tell you, when I started this it was hard making it 2 minutes without wanting to die...now I am doing 28!...and want to die. lol

    I did it a little differently though because I didn't want to fall off the wagon, and I have only NOT finished a run once (felt sick). I did each week (2-5) twice so as to get more used to running before moving on to the next week. I don't think I would have made it this far if I didn't. I really don't like running but I DO really like how I feel once I have finished the run. I can't wait to finish and say that I did it! I would like to be a runner but I really don't enjoy it very much...so boring.

    Great job! I feel the same way about running. I don't like it and find it very boring. When I was a kid I used to run track, but I was a sprinter. Long distances are not my thing. But I'm determined to finish and I do like the feeling once I complete a workout. I just did week 4 day 2 today, and felt like I would die. LOL
  • BrendanScrote
    BrendanScrote Posts: 61 Member
    Bumping the tread with an update

    Done W8D1 today running for 30 minutes !!!

    I'm still incredibly slow and the weight loss has slowed right down but happy with where I am :)
  • MagJam2004
    MagJam2004 Posts: 651 Member
    I go very slowly when I run.

    I laughed out loud when I read that, because that is me. I went running with my brother and as we passed a family on the trail I heard a small kid voice say, "That guy looks strong! But not that guy, he looks like he's hot." If I had had any breath at that moment, I would have laughed.
  • MissPuffy82
    Awesome!! I just downloaded the app today! The girls in my office convinced me to sign up for a 5k blacklght run that is in July... So this means I need to get OFF my couch and start RUNNING! OMG but to tell you the truth I cannot remember when the last time was that I actually ran:) I am overweight and out of shape but Starting TODAY I am changing it around. Got my healthy snacks packed and my App ready to go at lunch! Good luck to you and maybe we can motivate each other!!