Just getting started....agian!

At this again....always trying to get healthy and fit. My body just doesn't want to cooperate. But I keep on trying - I'll never give up! I will try this web site, but really think I need some 'buddies' to be able to chat with some times. (My husband is wonderful, but has no interest in health and fitness. He loves when I loose weight, but still wants me to make brownies for him! argh!) My real motivation is my 23 year old daughter; she is fighting Leukemia in an amazing way and I'm so proud of her! I want her to be proud of me and I want to be strong and healthy to be able to take care of her. It's an exhausting job sometimes, but I love being there for her. I just need to take care of me to be able to take care of her. So......If anyone out there has any uplifting posts, I'll take them! :)


  • mrsf17
    mrsf17 Posts: 32
    Welcome Joy! I am just getting started again as well and would love to have you as a buddy. I will add you now!

    All the best to you and your daughter.
  • mandillynn2
    mandillynn2 Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome! I am getting started again myself. This is actually my second account here. I figured the motivation for the first time is a lot different than the motivation I have now. Kinda like starting over from scratch. This site is actually VERY well put together to teach you portion sizes, and to also show you how much you've been over eating calories. I had lost 10 lbs the first time I was on here, but gained them all back after pretty much giving up. I hear ya about family making it difficult to stay on track. That was part of my problem, and still is. My fiance does most of the cooking, so I have to portion my food out according to what HE wants to eat. Sometimes, it leaves me with very little. Sometimes I'll just make my own meal.
  • noturninback
    noturninback Posts: 96 Member
    Hi Joy~ You can do it, I know you can!! I've come to realize it's a mind set. I've been working on this whole "fitness thing" since March 1st and it's paying off and I feel so much better! It's just sticking with it!! It literally is a "lifestyle change". I, myself, would like to lose at least another 20 lbs., but I found out that based on my BMI that I should actually lose another 30-35 lbs.! : /

    Just wanted to say hi, welcome, and I hear ya when you say 'just getting started.....again'!