For men: How long did it take you to lose?



  • pavrg
    pavrg Posts: 277 Member
    i lost 20 kilos in 3 months. excessive cardio and heavily restricted calories.

    worst idea ever. became skinny and used to ask myself daily in the mirror: do you even lift?

    2 years later, and a lot of lean bulking...10 kilos heavier and one more cut to go before reaching my ideal physique. then back to mass gain once again.

    what i learned: dont aim to lose weight. aim to lose fat. progress pictures and the mirror are better guides than the scales.
    Were you lifting before starting to lose the 20 kilos? Because if not it's likely the results would have been the same, except just take longer.

    It took me 12 weeks to drop 25 lbs, which was about 1.5-2 lbs per week.

    Whether you can lose 45 lbs in 3 months depends on your friend's starting weight. There's a formula out there for how much excess fat you can burn per day under optimal circumstances while retaining your lean body mass, so someone larger than I was could have lost 45 lbs in the time I lost 25 without losing any muscle.