Is it possible to lose weight while sedentary?



  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    If you still feel you look fat then you need muscle, not weight loss. No idea what your deal is with exercise but that's how you will build muscle. You don't need to jump around, you can lift and sit.
  • Healthbynature
    Living a sedentary lifestyle and gaining weight, tell me about it! Last year when I lost my job, I lived a complete introvert and sedentary lifestyle for about 6 months and in turn was awarded with 10 extra kilograms by doing nothing. I then soon realized that I had to do something about it, so I initially started off by controlling diet just like you, didn't work much either for me until I came across the most natural way which in contrast with the diet helped me lose big pounds. Thanks to I now feel much more energetic and confident about myself than ever before.

    Julia Robinson
  • hwoeltjen
    hwoeltjen Posts: 199 Member
    Regardless of your condition you can exercise.

    Even if you are missing an arm...both legs...and one can exercise.

    It's all a matter of finding a routine that matches your capabilities.

    You could do overhead arm claps for an hour.....or leg lifts. I mean an hour is a little excessive but I am sure you know what I mean.

    Unless you have no control over your body past your can do exercises.

    If that is your condition...then I apologize. However, you typed your post I am exercise is not beyond your capabilities.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    It's possible.

    I lost my first 25lbs being sedentary. Then I had more energy, and started exercising.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I'd wait until you're able to exercise. Then eat at a slight deficit (250 calories or so) and lift weights to change your body composition.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    If so, how?

    By eating less.
  • missdrizz
    missdrizz Posts: 17 Member
    Regardless of your condition you can exercise.

    Even if you are missing an arm...both legs...and one can exercise.

    It's all a matter of finding a routine that matches your capabilities.

    You could do overhead arm claps for an hour.....or leg lifts. I mean an hour is a little excessive but I am sure you know what I mean.

    Unless you have no control over your body past your can do exercises.

    If that is your condition...then I apologize. However, you typed your post I am exercise is not beyond your capabilities.

    Or if you have CFS, then it's unlikely you would be able to.
    Or if you're in IP treatment for an ED.
  • turtleball
    turtleball Posts: 217 Member
    I know 119lbs is in the healthy weight range, but I still look fat somehow.

    See a therapist.
  • sissidevore
    sissidevore Posts: 151 Member
    the fact that your saying you cannot exercise makes me think that perhaps your in treatment for an eating disorder? your weight seems to be in the normal range, the only thing i can suggest is toneing up :) perhaps some light weight lifting, :)
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I'm 5'4, 119lbs, female and 18 years old. If I could exercise I would, but I'm unable to for personal reasons. Taking into account my details, and assuming that I am COMPLETELY sedentary (i.e: not even walking much)...would it be possible for me to lose weight? Say around 10lbs?

    If so, how?

    I already eat reasonably healthy and consume around 1,200 calories per day. What else can I do?

    I realize that being sedentary is extremely unhealthy, and as soon as my personal issues are resolved I will be working on that. For now though, I really need to lose weight to improve my self esteem.

    1,200 calories is a pittance. I dont understand everybody's obsession with going to the absolute minimum.

    On a more sensitive note, there MUST be some form of exercise you can do. I am trying not to be intrusive, but there are many forms of calorie burning exercises to cater for people of different conditions.
  • ajcmoran2005
    ajcmoran2005 Posts: 173 Member
    I'm with everyone else, you are skinny enough as it is and I think you just have self esteem issues. I can say that because we almost have the same stats (I'm 5'4 1/2" and a little under 120) and I don't like the way I look. I was 115 when I got married so I would like to get down to that weight but if I can't no biggie. That being said, I run about 5-6 miles a day so my legs are really toned but I want to start lifting to tighten everything up. After having three kiddos everything is flabby! The only true reason I can think of that would cause you to not be able to exercise is if you are recovering from an eating disorder. I had a pretty severe ed many years ago and one of the requirements of my treatment was no exercising for six months. It was so hard to do but I did it. Honestly every day is a work in progress. I'm not sure if that is the reason why you can't exercise but if it is please feel free to message me anytime. I know just how hard it is.
  • Mitzigan94
    Mitzigan94 Posts: 393 Member
    yes. just eat at a deficit