Newbie here!

Hi there! I've halfheartedly been on MyFitnessPal for a bit now, but I'm really just now starting to use it to actually help me with my fitness goals, so naturally, I've also never actually introduced myself yet. So hi! I'm a 20 year old junior in college. I'm 5'5 1/2" and this past summer, when I first started dedicating myself to nutrition and fitness, I weighed 130 pounds. At the moment, I'm about 123 pounds, and my ultimate goal is 115-119 pounds. I'm pretty close, but I've been having some setbacks lately. I went away to Orlando for a family trip and I was 120 pounds when I left, and I still haven't fully gotten back down to that point. A part of me wonders if, since I wasn't counting calories then, perhaps I had been unintentionally eating too few calories. Anyway, so yeah, I'm here looking for support and advice from anyone, but especially from those who don't have much weight to lose or already started off with a healthy weight.