Realistic Goal Weight?

I originally set my goal weight to be 137 which is a little more than a 50 pound drop from where I am now. However, I've become more realistic in that I haven't been that low in weight since high school and I probably shouldn't expect to go that low now. So, with the 7 pounds that I've lost so far I decided to make my goal weight 150 for now which seems more realistic. When I get about 10 more pounds off, I may reduce my goal weight another 5-10 pounds. Has anybody else done this? I'm sure there are plenty that have but I think with me it's a mental barrier thinking about dropping 50 when I could just concentrate on dropping 20 or 30, which seems more realistic getting started (for like the 3rd or 4th time...ugh!!!). Just wanted to throw it out there and see if anybody had any thoughts or if anyone has done this before.

I'm also going to start WEIGHING as much of everything possible rather than measuring... I just read a post that showed how far off even the nutritional information labels are on food... perhaps that will help as well :)


  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    I did the opposite. I can't remember the last time I was the goal weight I set on here (probably before middle school), because I know that no matter how long it takes me, it IS realistic. It's realistic for anyone to get down to low weight (defining that as BMI 19-22). It just takes a long bout of consistency and effort. Don't settle for something higher than what you really want. If you really want to be 137 pounds, you can be.