Calling All Triathletes!

I'm competing in my first Triathlon (sprint distance) in October, and I'd love and tips or tricks-of-the-trade that y'all have to offer :)


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I would like to try a small one eventually once I get in shape to do a 5k, I would like any info as well..
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I would like to try a small one eventually once I get in shape to do a 5k, I would like any info as well..
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    I only have a couple under my belt, but here's a few things I've learned;

    * Make sure you do 1-2 open water swims prior to your event, unless it's a pool swim for the event, then this isn't important;
    * Pre-ride the bike course if it's somewhat local, and you know what the course is that way you can plan where to be go hard (flats & downhills), and where to conserve (uphills, if any);
    * Do a few bricks before the event, especially the bike to run so you can get use to that weird feeling going from one discipline to the other;
    * Get a good nights sleep the day before the event;
    * Get there early to familiarize yourself with the layout, etc.;
    * Test your bike properly the night before the event so you don't get a surprise the day of the event;
    * Make sure your bike is in a good starting gear so you're not fumbling around with shifting when you mount the bike;
    * Most of all, HAVE FUN!!! :wink:
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I am working on eventually getting a bike, I know a road bike would make more sense for the events, does it really matter though, it seems like for every day rides around the neighborhood a mt bike would make more sense.. could you do 10-13miles or so on a Mt bike or a road one a must?
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    If you don't plan on being competitive, then you can do it with a tricycle if you want. :laugh: I saw a few people use mountain bikes, and you will work harder to get the mileage done, but it's not against the rules to use one.

    I took my 8 year old hybrid and converted to a hybrid time trial bike by adding time trial type aerobars, and swapping to the narrowest road tire I could fit on the rims, and I was passing $3000 Cervelo triathlon bikes on both my duathlons. The engine on the bike is more important than the bike itself.
  • splooshcar
    Congrats on entering your first tri! I ran my first tri last month and I'm totally hooked. :smile: I am competing Danskin this weekend.

    RVachon71 has some great advise.
    - Definately get some time in open water (if your race is in open water). I took a clinic to learn how to sight while breathing and get over fears. It was well worth $40. Check with the race sponsor or your local REI for open water clinics in your area.
    - Ditto on pre-riding the course. I took a friend and also rode the run course. It helped with jitters and made me feel more confident at the event.
    - You will see others on MTN bikes. If you like it, upgrade to a road bike later.
    - TEST ALL YOUR GEAR. I thought I could just slide a pair of bike shorts over my swimsuit... until I tried it. I chaffed after 5 miles. I finally decided to buy a pair of tri shorts. Do a couple dress rehersals with all your gear to make sure it will work for you.
    - Relax. I saw a cancer survivor compete one race, she had extreme swelling in her legs and ankles but continued to push thru the bike. At the second race, there was a teenage girl with a neurodegerative disease, she was doing the "run" with her walker. If they can do this, so can you. Relax and have fun with it.

    Feel free to email me offline if you'd like to chat more. Best of luck at your event!
  • splooshcar
    By the way, has a ton of tips/article for beginner triathletes. Some of it is actually helpful. :wink:
  • petmonkey22
    Also check out or

    Good Luck!
  • splooshcar
    Also check out or

    Good Luck!

    Good links! Thanks petmonkey!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Also check out or

    Good Luck!

    Those are the ones that I was going to recommend.

    I'm training for my first Half IronMan next weekend (1.2 mile swim/ 56 mile bike/ 13.1 mile run). I've completed 6 triathlons so far from sprint, Olympic, and internediate distances.

    They are fun and addictive!!!!!