
I have been at this for 305 days now and have lost 76 of my 85 lb goal. But my weight loss has slowed, dramatically! I am looking for extra support through the holiday season as I know it will be harder to stay on track with all the yumminess and fun things to do BESIDES hitting the gym. Please please help me get there, I only have 9 lbs to go


  • monisiaczeq
    monisiaczeq Posts: 131 Member
    when i struggle i look at the old pictures. just to remind myself where i came from. actually i put up one on my fridge as i havent not been eating well recently- just to remind myself that food is fuel not pleasure or reward!

    making exercising fun always helps too- instead of just the gym try something else- go for a run outside with a friend, do some yoga or a class at your gym?

    divide your goal into smaller goals- so that you can still see progress- achieving your goals is the best feeling ever!

    try new healthy recipes- keep variety of food so that there is no boredom

    and keep active on MFP!:) feel free to add me as a friend and if you feel low/demotivated/ tempted hit me up! im almost always on my phone!! :)

    most important: STAY POSITIVE!!!

    you have come a long way and you can do it!!!!
  • DuckDuckDuck
    DuckDuckDuck Posts: 49 Member
    Hang your old pants on the door so you see them on the way in and out. :}
  • izzydubiel
    izzydubiel Posts: 8 Member
    I currently put a dollar in a jar for each time I make it to the gym to save up to treat myself for putting in the effort. I also have two vases with marbles in them, one has how much I have lost and the other has how much I have left to go, its a great helpful visual!
  • daellio
    daellio Posts: 11 Member
    Amazing!!! You've done SO much hard work. :) I like these other ideas, of keeping a picture of the "old you" around or your old pants out.. so you can remember how far you have come. Don't deprive yourself completely through the holidays, or you'll end up binging. I always justify a treat with an extra workout, but I know that everyone is different. Good luck, it sounds like you're kicking butt!