Do you have someone Negative in your life??

Ugh! I'm so annoyed. I when talking to my sister today, telling her I'm starting a new fitness program and you know what she said...? She told me I was "obsessed" and have become "conceited". Seriously???? I never knew that having goals and being proud of your accomplishments was obsessive and conceited! It's SO frustrating when you trust someone and then they just try and break you down!

Do you have someone like that in your life that looks negativity upon your weight loss success?



  • Susiiiie
    Susiiiie Posts: 5 Member
    I'm very sorry to hear about your sister not being supportive of you! She is probably just jealous of your awesomeness ;) Most people have a hard time when people around them change (routines, looks)
    I don't really have anybody negative in my life, but i do have 3 sisters who haven't mentioned my weight loss at all (-66 pounds).. I know its not negativity, but for me it is just as horrible! But i try not to care.. I'm awesome all on my own ;)
  • 87monkey
    87monkey Posts: 83 Member
    There will always (well maybe not for everyone :p) be someone you love who puts you down for the changes in your life, this goes for any aspect of your life. It is stressful and discouraging to hear negative things about something you feel is a positive change, but when it comes down to it you are doing it for yourself. Do what you believe is right for you. Also maybe she is unhappy with her own self image and doesn't know how to go about making the change herself which frustrates her.
  • YES and for that reason is why I choose not to involve them in on that part of my life. I've had my mother tell me that I shouldn't lose weight that I won't look right skinny... lol... or I've been told "Oh you don't need to lose weight, you're just big boned!" Even after I correct them and say there's no such thing they still insist upon it. It's like hello just support me on what I want to do. But not everyone's gonna join the wagon. Lol. My ex would tell me how much he hated it every time I would want to talk about going to the gym and stuff like that. He basically made me feel like he didn't wanna support me or whatever.
  • What she said was more a reflection on who she is than what she thinks of your decision. It's very immature of her to assume that you are losing weight for vanity. Whatever you do, don't let her or anyone get you down. Once she sees how much you've changed, she might want to do the same.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I did, but she's out of my life now, thank God. The people that know, like my mom & sis, husband and just a couple of friends are super supportive.

    This person from before? "Oh, you have your tight pants on today" & "A man would have to be rich to put a ring on YOUR finger"...yeah, glad she's gone and don't miss her a bit.
  • thefitnightowl
    thefitnightowl Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you so much girls for all your replys and support! It was a rough day for me and its crazy how just those 2 words she said had me SO worked up and unable to focus on anything else. I feel much better now after my workout! Its crazy how a workout can completely change your mood! Thanks again and hope you dont mind that I friend requested ya'll!