Exercise HASN'T got me feeling good...

I'm currently building up my exercise levels, quantities and endurance after several weeks without much exercise. When I've done this is the past, I've always felt great after a workout, which is one of the many reasons why I'm doing more exercise - I was diagnosed with mild depression a few weeks ago (the lack of motivation that goes with it is one of the reasons why I did less exercise). I've been finding the opposite during the past week or so though - I feel fat and horrible and my mood is significantly lower after I exercise and I've been finding that the lack of buzz I usually feel after a workout means that the tiredness affects me more, which also lowers my mood. Maybe one reason is because I'm able to achieve a lot less in my workouts than I have in the past, which is especially annoying because I have an event that I'm working towards looking good for.
Has this ever happened to anyone else? Any tips?
(Also any tips to get me through the longer workouts that I used to do, now that my endurance is lower would be appreciated!)


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Are you still sticking to strictly 1200 calories a day? That could be why you don't have the energy to exercise.
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    I also get in these ruts once in a while. Shoot, sometimes I even find myself having give up 10 min before the end of a workout becuase I want to cry with how disapointed I feel in myself. But I just start fresh the next day and keep going until I don't feel ****ty anymore.

    As a PP mentioned, if you are eating at only 1200 calories a day, that will most likely be your reason for not having as much energy.

    I find that the more I eat, the more power I can put into my workouts.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Yeah I was diagnosed the same way years ago. The best lesson you can learn about exercise is that there are good days/weeks/months and bad days/weeks/months. That's all there is to it.

    Also diet is what isgoingto affct the way you look. Period, and that takes time, so...

    Just make sure that you are otherwise taking care of yourself with a good diet, rest, etc... and keep moving forward. In the long run, short run problems don't matter. Just make sure you're working towards a goal with a good plan in place.