Motivation in the cold northern states



  • superfox12082
    superfox12082 Posts: 512 Member
    How about some cross country skis or snowshoes? They would be a good investment for when the snow comes. I also live in MN, but have a gym membership. Do you live in town? If not you could drive to the nearest town and walk on lit streets or sidewalks. I use for a wide variety or workouts. They are free and many need little or no equipment.
    As for the carbs, try to go for whole grains, brown rice, wild rice, or quinoa. Good luck and stay warm!
  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    I'm in the cold, dark state of erm... England. Dark by 4pm at the moment. The weather is generally cold and miserable all year so I'm used to it! I can't afford a gym membership so just try and stay active in the house. I do workout DVDs, play dance games on the Wii, I have some kettlebells and recently bought some dumbbells so I can mix things up quite a bit to keep it varied. I don't mind going out when it's cold as long as I'm wrapped up properly so try and make it out for walks at the weekends - a love of photography helps with that motivation. Walking places in general helps too - 90% of the time I just walk to the shop instead of driving. I don't do a big weekly shop and just buy things as needed otherwise that might not be an option!
    My main issue with the darkness is like you, the craving for carby stuff. My tactic for that is just to keep myself occupied so I don't have time to think about it too much. And don't keep it in the house!
  • MzLaLa29
    MzLaLa29 Posts: 258 Member
    Keiara Leshae has a 3 mile walk on youtube. She claims it's low impact, but not so much... check it out. her channel is called super hero fitness TV
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    Yeah, I may only live in the capital city of Canada (not nearly as cold here as most other places in this vast country!) but I feel your pain. Waking up when the sun hasn't come up, coming home when the sun is almost all the way down, all in a more than occational cold get's really depressing to never feel sunlight.

    Get outside as much as you can - even when it's cold. I hate the cold, but at least I find the sun makes me happier, and the cold will make me walk faster! :laugh: Try taking up some winter sports if you can to get yourself moving - I think sledding counts! I mean, you gotta walk up a hill a million times :tongue:
  • Patti1023
    Patti1023 Posts: 78 Member
    I live in MN too, it's taking me a little time to adapt to how early it's getting dark now, but I live in an apartment building with a fitness room so I can work out any time I want to. My problem in following through just recently is there are big windows with no window coverings, so it feels like the dead of night (so my brain tells me I should be going to bed, not working out!). I'm just making myself do it anyway. It's hard some days, you just need to find a way to push through :)
  • highcalorie
    highcalorie Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in Idaho. The child in me says play video games; so I have a Wii Fit, and some other games that have you walk or shift your balance. I also have a exercise bike. Granted I am out of shape.
    I plan to get one of those alarm clocks that wake you up with "sunrise".
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Do DVD's on weekdays and go outside on weekends. Or go out during your lunch period.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member

    Your insight is very motivational.

    That said, if you have lunch breaks at work, walk around the building or bundle up and walk outside if it's a nice-ish day. Pair that with doing a DVD before or after work should provide for a pretty good exercise routine. You could also get some free weights/exercise ball/jump rope and set up a small workout area in your house. Doesn't even have to be a designated spot, throw it in a closet when you're done. Look up some circuits using these items online- there are tons. When I'm in a rush somedays and don't have time to hit the gym for my normal hour & a half, I'll do these circuits with the simple equipment I listed for 20-35 mins and usually burn a decent amount of calories in the process
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    Try some high powered LED lights and a dog, thats what got me hiking in the dark regularly.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Shoooooot, I'm in the Midwest. It dipped down in the low 20's here all last week. And it'll be 77 by this Sunday :laugh:

    I walk inside at work when it's too cold outside. Fortunately I work in a hospital, I can cross over two bridges to get from one building to another.

    I think it's just about making yourself do it. It's easy to say it's the weather, the season or some other excuse. I know, I've used them :blushing: but it's time I hold msyelf accountable. I think you just need to get to that point. No more excuses. You want that nice big piece of lasagna? A nice juicy burger? Ok, have it. Just make sure you're logging it, and watch what you're eating for the rest of the day. Up the intensity of your work out to make up for it, and keep it to a once in a great while. It's ok to have what you want, but make up for it.

    And don't feel guilty about it!
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Great to see all you Minnesotans on board!!!!!! I come from Minnesota, but have lived in Rome, Italy for 28 years, so the climate is different here, however, one thing no one has suggested is trying to find a partner to excercise with. This really worked for me when I lived there. I had a girlfriend that met me at 6:30 am to go running or speed walking. We went even if it was snowy or icy. I dressed warm with a hooded plastic raincoat over everything to keep in the heat. It worked so well. If you've got someone that's gotten up at 6:00, and gotten ready, and is waiting for you--it helps motivate. Besides, we chatted all the way, so it was a social thing too. It was great for both of us. Go for it. You can fight the blues!
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    I live in Alberta, so I can totally feel your lack of motivation. As someone already said, it seems like winter's already set in here with ice and snow everywhere.

    I just get out when I can I'm definitely less active in the winter months, mostly because ice.

    That being said, I do dvd's at home as my primary workout to begin with, so stepping it up with an extra workout a week helps me. We also have an xbox with a kinect, it gets quite a bit of use in the winter time since it's not always possible to go outside and run around. We bought one of the 'Just Dance' games for the kids awhile back and it's a freakin blast! The husband and I play it just as much as the kids do.
  • MissyJessy
    MissyJessy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I live in Canada :) and i love hearing all you Americans complain about the cold.

    Please do tell me more about how cold it is (not you Alaska you win this one), and how dark it is when you get home from work.....

  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    The cold and dark have settled over Minnesota and it's affecting my plan. I don't like to walk in the dark - and I mean it's DAAARK! And the cold revs up my cravings for carbs.

    How do others in cold northern climates stay on plan?

    A few caveats:
    Please do NOT judge me by my diary of late. It's not typical. See the first paragraph.
    I'm 95%+ wheat free on the advice of my doctor.
    I don't mind bundling up for a walk as long as it's light out, even an overcast day, but I work full time!
    I take 5000 IU's of Vitamin D each day
    My almost daily smoothie is a mix of fruit, spinach, unsweetened almond milk and flax seed - not a sugary commercial drink.
    I do not wish to join a gym - my budget is just too tight.
    Yes, I do DVD's at home occasionally.
    Unless you live in a dark cold winter climate like Minnesota, Wisconsin, Maine, Canada, etc it's very hard to understand this.

    Upstate NY checking in.

    Bundle up for a walk on your lunch break.

    Other than that, try getting a headlamp for some artificial light during the dark hours and get out & get active! By only getting outside during the daylight hours, you're substantially limiting yourself & making it much harder to get active.
  • jojopel
    jojopel Posts: 348 Member
    Canada here as well. I joined a clinic at the Running Room - it makes me accountable. I spent the money, so I go. Other than the financial aspect, I met a great group of people and we motivate each other. Can you make plans to meet a walking buddy a few times a week? It's harder to say "I don't feel like it" when someone else is waiting for you.
  • MissyJessy
    MissyJessy Posts: 1,279 Member
    Canada here as well. I joined a clinic at the Running Room - it makes me accountable. I spent the money, so I go. Other than the financial aspect, I met a great group of people and we motivate each other. Can you make plans to meet a walking buddy a few times a week? It's harder to say "I don't feel like it" when someone else is waiting for you.

    The issue is that they dont want to go out in the dark and its to cold... or icy :)

    Thats like 9-10 months for us here ha ha! We still manage to lose weight... whether its sledding, snowboarding, or just pushing cars out of snow drifts 4 ft high :)

    Just saying... stop making excuses and get out of the house :)
  • mclgo
    mclgo Posts: 147 Member
    To you folks posting the "Then Just Stay Fat" book cover, please don't. I don't recall saying that the challenge of living in a wintry northern climate means I don't have to stay on plan. It's just a unique challenge, and I wanted to hear how others deal with it. It would be the same for parents of small kids, or people on tight budgets, or folks with chronic disease, etc. Everyone has certain obstacles to overcome and they like to hear how others overcome them. That's all.

    To everyone else - thank you so much for the support and ideas! We don't have a mall, but it reminded me that lot of locals walk the giant Menards down the road. I often walk with hubby with flashlights and reflective vests, but it's just not as fun as walking in sunshine. Takes extra effort to force those shoes on after supper.

    Hello Canadians! Tell me more about your winters.
  • mclgo
    mclgo Posts: 147 Member
    And PS - I do love to play outside during winter days - it's getting out there on cold dark weeknights that challenges my motivation.
  • chickitypoo
    I live in Canada :) and i love hearing all you Americans complain about the cold.

    Please do tell me more about how cold it is (not you Alaska you win this one), and how dark it is when you get home from work.....


    You do know that there is absolutely no difference between the weather in Upper Michigan and Southern Ontario, also no difference in weather between Maine, Vermont and Quebec,

    well you get my point. Americans from Northern states have as much "cold cred" than all the Canadian who live in lower Canada.
    And let's be honest, except for the 10 people who live Nunavut and the Northwest Territories, most Canadians live in the lower half, which is about, what all 35-40 million of you.

    Peace! and let's share the cold cred.
  • feelin_gr_8
    feelin_gr_8 Posts: 308 Member
    WA state here (eastern side so it's not nearly as rainy as Seattle area). I feel the cold and darkness sucking me down :( I tried to plan for it though. Bought some crappy/cheap exercise equipment on craigslist. Also...there's the wii just dance/boxing and youtube fitness videos. Money is super tight right now but I'm hoping that starting next month we can afford a gym membership so I can swim. I love swimming and it will help me train for the sprint triathalon I want to do next summer.