About Leptin Diet, Is There Anyone Ever Tried Before?

Anyone ever try leptin diet before?

My wife is kind of into the leptin thing recently, and for the sake of safety, I did alot of research for her on the internet, some authoritative websites say that it's quite effective for women to lose weight, other say it's the missing link of fat loss.

I list 3 articles from these authority sites below:
1. http://goo.gl/jEoMw8

2. http://goo.gl/N2MkFV
Huffington Post

3. http://goo.gl/J8wJ91

Although the info from these sources is quite legit, I still want some "real-person" opinions.

So, if any one know about leptin, or tried similar diet program before, please share your thoughts.

Any input will be appreciated by me and my wife.
