It's ME!

Hi. I am a newbie to the website. Saw it today on the TODAY show and thought it sounded great. I am so ready to do something. Any help, ideas, encouragement will be greatly appreciated as this has been a life long struggle for me. But as they say---Here I go again!!!!!


  • KingstonsMommy
    Me too! I saw it this morning and figured, what could it hurt! Good luck!
  • millesun
    millesun Posts: 209 Member
    Well hello there, this web site is a great tool. Take the time to use it and it will help you. Good luck and if you need help or support add me. :smile:
  • rrwebb
    rrwebb Posts: 8
    Thanks. I am excited about it. :smile:
  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    Welcome to MFP! This is a absolutely wonderful tool to help you reach your goals. I have learned a lot from this community, and they are so supportive. Add me - Together we will reach our goal!
  • rrwebb
    rrwebb Posts: 8
  • rrwebb
    rrwebb Posts: 8
    Thanks. How do I add you? I am so new!!