omg my chin

So I've been going around being all happy because I've lost about a hundred pounds and I feel so much better and I know I look better in some ways... and then I saw a picture of my profile (woohoo! I let someone take my picture!), and realized that my neck and chin are pretty much one thing. I'm 40 years old and I have a wattle. And it's probably only going to get worse as I keep losing weight. I can deal with the stretch marks under my arms and the saggy inner thigh skin that may or may not go away but nobody sees it anyway so who really cares, but that chin... omg that chin. I HATE it. I did not expect to find new things about myself that I can't stand. I am super annoyed and just needed to vent about it somewhere before I start eating my annoyance. That is all.


  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I have the same thing. I hate it!!!! I have been doing consultations with some plastic surgeons to see about fixing my tummy & chest. I asked the first one about it, hoping that I could just get some lipo to fix it, but he said that it is skin & I would need a lift. At this point I have decided that I hate my tummy more than anything, followed by my saggy bewbs so I just try not to think about my chin.