Standing calf extensions....

Sorry just had to say, these things better make my calf's look even better because I hate them. How could something so little cause more pain then the rest. Anyone have before after pics with these in their program to give me incentive. Plus do they ever stop being annoying? Sorry just had to vent, I couldn't believe such a small movement hurt more than squats, at least no pain after but I swear after 40 I wanted to whine like a baby....did all my sets and never mumbled a peep though.

What exercise out of your routine is your least favorite?


  • Qski
    Qski Posts: 246 Member
    i think it depends on the routine really. My calves are always very defined (well relatively compare to the rest of the lard). I used to cycle a lot when I was young not sure if it's related to that or just genetics. I have a pretty small foot too (size5/6 US ladies) but my calves are 40cm at their widest and I am pretty sure they do not change a great deal.

    So do you want defined calves or bigger calves?
    I think body builders would do calf only exercises, I'm not sure if heavy lifters would do it, because most other exercises would include their calves. I would have thought you would only need to do specific calf exercize if you have ankle or feet issues that would be helped with stronger calves - but I am not an expert.

    When I used to get calf pain (back when I was a spring chicken) I remember heels would make them feel better, and bare foot would hurt the most. [I think they would hurt after Karate camps]

    I am not far enough into exercising to have a hate yet, at the moment everything sucks during and then I feel awesome after!
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Several of mine hurt pretty badly, lol. Most of them in a normal way, but a few just really ache. Front delts ache enough that I was afraid I'd get bursitis from the lift or something, but no; they just ache while I do them and for a little while after. And a lot of weight on an inner-thigh isolation move I do has the same effect. They work, though, and going lighter doesn't (tried it), so I'm not stopping unless a big reason pops up!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I think forward lunges are the worst for me. For some reason rear lunges are much easier. I have weak knees and so my calves are made of iron lol, I would consider a billion calf raises to be a nice break wink:
  • loveisblind1
    I actually love feeling sore. I feel like they'll be stronger after they heal. I have muscular calves naturally but still feel sore when I do calf exercises. Stretch your calves more before and after the workout? My least fav exercise is probably chest exercises. I feel so weak!
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    The calf raises don't actually make me sore afterward, just they have a more severe/different burn towards the end than my other exercises. I have great calf's so look wise I don't worry much, just wanting to make sure I work my full body. I just found it odd that such a small movement could hurt so bad towards the end of a set. Also the calf raise machine is no where near the feeling of standing calf raises for me. I guess we all have our one pain in the *kitten* exercise :noway: