40 pounds in five months possible?



  • mom2my4boys
    mom2my4boys Posts: 148 Member
    totally possible! hopefully some of this info will help you :)
    SW: 274 (I finally bought a scale and weighed myself the last day of May)
    CW: 221
    = 53lbs
    I weighed in the last day of May and immediately started paying attention to what I was eating but the first 2 weeks of June I was on vacation and consuming a lot of beer and bbq. I actually got serious about weight loss and going to the gym about mid June. This also includes a stall of about 6 weeks where I lost and then gained the same 3-4lbs.(I was skipping/working through lunch a lot at this point) I stopped drinking Pepsi and switched it to lemon water. I traded in potatoes for lower cal veggies.(cauliflower/cabbage/broccoli ect) i halved my portions of meat at supper.I have a slight sugar addiction, so I switched full size choco bars for fun size. I realized that the coffee I usually drank 2 of a day were costing me about 400 cals a day and now only allow myself one, if a want a pick me up in the afternoon, I have a tea instead.(a lot less cals) i go to the gym 5 days (m-f) a week and usually spend about 45 mins doing cardio, m-w-f i also do the weight circuit. i forgot to add i'm almost 5"6 too.

    good luck on your journey! set yourself some goals and get 'er done!