Hello, I am new!

karenwalton Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone, I am new and just wanted to introduce myself. I am a 45 yr old mother and manage a small motel in Northern New Mexico. I currently weigh right at 320 and am sick to death of it. I have no energy for my family, my job keeps me behind the desk most of the time and my eating is horrible. I am ready willing and able to lose this extra weight before my diabetes or something else takes me away from my family. I want to be able to go camping and enjoy life with my husband and 3 kids.
Please tell me this program works.... I am desperate! I look forward to chatting with everyone that would like to talk.
Be Blessed!
Karen :flowerforyou: :brokenheart:


  • rrwebb
    rrwebb Posts: 8
    This is a great start. I started today and have alot to lose also. Day by day is all we can do. Add me as a friend if you want and GOOD LUCK!
  • Daytripperjackie
    Daytripperjackie Posts: 17 Member
    Great decision in coming here. Nothing is worse than feeling alone and you are anything but alone. We have the same struggles whether losing 20lbs or 120. Just remember you are never lost in your journey. If you get sidetracked, just start right back on the trail! Good luck to you. You CAN do this.
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    Hi Karen, I just started as well on Saturday. The Food diary is awesome. My tip for you is to plan your food in advance if you can. Have everything caculated so you can see if you will stay in your calorie limit. And drink LOTS of Water. If you can, add exercise to your day. Even if it is walking around the block. We are here to help keep you motivated. You can do it! You are already doing it by coming here. Good Luck!!!
  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member

    Hope you are getting ready to concur the world on this site. I will tell you with some strong determination and the will to succeed you will go far. I have done well by logging all my food. It helps to do it before you eat it (you will be surprise how many calories are in things) I check,check and recheck the calorie content because they are not always accurate on the site. I am not a big exercise person (very hard to fit it in most days) . I work out abit with my WII (too much fun) I started by calorie level at 1200 but after a few weeks I discovered that it was far to low so I brought it up to 1430 and I lose 1 pound a week almost like clockwork. I hit the wall a couple times and did not lose for the week then the following week it got its MoJo back and off it came. I can tell you that I do budget for a treat ( I love Yoplait delights chocolate raspberry) There is a really good web site hungry girl.com tons of recipes for some yummy food (one of my favs is chicken cordon blu ) I really began to have more energy at about 20 pounds off. It is funny because the body changes slowly but its cool to discover all the new things that you have (or to be more exact the things you don’t have) like one less roll on your tummy or hey I forgot I have dimples in my cheeks Again you can do it just hang in there an be patient.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Honestly Karen, I'm 23 and have been on many fad diets, taken pills and even would starve myself(maybe like 500 calories a day and just drink coffee to supress the appettite) and for the first time in my life I finally found something that makes sense. MFP teaches you how to balance food, and that it's ok if you fall, you just got to get back up. I have learned SO MUCH from this site...in fact everything i though i knew eneded up being totally wrong(i.e. you should eat 1200 cals a day or less and try to burn as many of those calories from working out...totally bad). Just hang in there and have faith not only in MFP, but in yourself. Remember, you are fighting for your life!
  • ethames
    ethames Posts: 1
    Today is day one on this site for me and I'm so excited to track my food and activity!! I've been working out for the past 3 weeks and love it but have not tracked anything. So for me this is very exciting!
  • fanullona
    fanullona Posts: 82 Member
    This program works so long as you log in each day and post honestly. (I was tempted today to fib on my weigh-in, but realized it won't help me reach my goals.) Everyone on here is so supportive and friendly! I've never experienced such encouragement. I'm sure you'll become an MFP addict in no time!
    I'm behind a desk all day too which makes it difficult to burn calories but you just have to make it a point to do a little extra physical activity each day. The upside of sitting here 9-5 is that you can log onto MFP whenever you need a 'pick me up' or a little encouragement or even a healthy distraction.
    Good luck!!!
  • Hey, I'm New just started today. I have tried everything 242 lbs. After reading the below posts It really gives me support. I'm tried of being over weight my husband married me like the way I am but he and his daughter down me bc I'm not super thin like them but in the same since he says he supports me. I want to lose this weight and keep it off.
  • budgetqueen79
    budgetqueen79 Posts: 310 Member
    Welcome. Make yourself at home. The people are great here!
  • Hello Karen: We can do it. If you raise children you can do anything. Raising children is the hardest job there is. You can do it - we can do it together.
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