Spreadsheets with friends!

So about 5 of my friends and I have been all chatting through a Whatsapp messaging group to motivate each other, but we need more accountability. I've considered a spreadsheet we can all use, a shared one, like Google Doc, or an excel spreadsheet that could be ina shared dropbox, although google docs is easier, it has less features of excel.

I need a spreadsheet that can have 5-6 people on it with various stats (ideally goals and previous check ins also). Does anyone have any ideas if there are any like that floating about? Or any good ideas about whether you think a Google Doc spreadsheet would be enough? I know if I attempt to make it myself it would get as unorganised and messy as my bedroom so before I attempt I'm just looking to see if there are any good templates out there. I've seen some great ones but they are more geared towards the single user.

Thanks very much


  • suppakana
    suppakana Posts: 307 Member
    With spreadsheets on google docs, you should be able to make individual pages for each person - or individual pages for each statistic.

    So say you're all measuring your weight, chest, belly, thigh, etc in inches. Each person gets their own page in the spreadsheet.

    Or for easier comparison, just a different sheet for each measurement.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    I could have sworn Google docs didn't this much customisation a month ago when I tried that! Awesome though thanks. Time to take my non existent spreadsheet skills to the max...
  • Ian_Stuart
    Ian_Stuart Posts: 252 Member
    www.fitocracy.com is what you are looking for, I think.