what body type are you most attracted to?



  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I'm just in to perv at any pics.. get em up please! :tongue:
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    get em up please! :tongue:
    Do WHAT, now? O.o lol
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I'm just in to perv at any pics.. get em up please! :tongue:

    Christ. I'm not a piece of meat you can just switch on whenever you fancy!
  • Mahihkan
    Mahihkan Posts: 162
    When I fall for someone, it's usually the whole package, so I take what ever body that goes with it.

    But if I had to choose by the body, when I think about it, I really like more the fit one: not too muscular like a bodybuilder, just well cut... cant find a pic to fit my idea... and im at work.. would be awkward if a co-worker enters my office lol
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Well, if we are talking someone I truly want to be with, looks aren't important to me.

    But, if we are strictly talking which body type I find most attractive - that would be the big ones (no, I dont mean 350lbs.) Tall, big broad shoulders, large frame and defined muscles. OP has a nice looking body. Once the muscles become too excessive it is no longer attractive to me, (like some of the body builders in magazines that look like they are going to burst.) Love soft skin and soft hair too :)
    It's all opinion though. You should be who you want to be and find someone that loves you for who you are.
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    I like a body type somewhere between a little extra and semi muscular. I don't like too much muscle becuase, to be honest, it's a little intimidating. I'm not to a point where I feel as though I am attracitve in the flesh and to be with a man who has the body of a god just makes it tough for me. I do like some muscle tone, but not scrawny. More often than not though, I seem to be attracted to the guys who have a little meat on their bones.
  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    Good hygiene, good teeth, smart, funny, good manners. Adventurous, without being stupid risky. Kind, generous, giving. Patient. Protector, strong and healthy. Tall, as I am tall as well. A little vanity is ok, anything more is a turn off.

    If all those boxes are checked, you are good to go. Gee I just described my husband.
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member


    I like them tall and skinny but I'll take Channing for a night of fun any day.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    Boyishly trim.
  • KristinNicole82
    KristinNicole82 Posts: 164 Member
    Tall and cut. Dont like too much bulk, they usually dont have any cardio. Need a man that can keep up with me.
  • SmileCozYouCan
    SmileCozYouCan Posts: 315 Member
    Tall and fit. Not too bulky :)
  • SF2514
    SF2514 Posts: 794 Member
    Thin men =).
  • mmedjjon
    mmedjjon Posts: 511
    full figured
  • MuscleAndMascara
    MuscleAndMascara Posts: 1,259 Member
    as long as they can still whipe thier a** I'm good lol
  • smallbutcurvy
    Muscles not the low fat percentages
  • norm67axp
    Toned women!
  • AprilMae1975
    Big strong shoulders!!! I also don't want to be bigger than him. I need to feel like he is holding me and not the other way around.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I like big guys, and used to go for more of the teddy bear chubby type. But over the years I have grown to really value the importance of a decent fitness level! While I'm still very heavy and not super fit, I have tons of energy, high sex drive, etc. I can't be with a guy who just wants to lounge around & play video games ;-) I still like the bigger, chunkier overall body type - tall, broad shoulders, and muscular arms are nice, but to me muscular legs are just as attractive/important. Currently I have a huge "thing" for flat bellies on guys (my husband's is AMAZING!!).
  • Redariesrose
    Redariesrose Posts: 1 Member
    Because I'm a full-figured woman with sexy curves, I prefer a man that makes me feel feminine. Typically that is a broad shouldered stocky or thicker man. Strong arms to hold me and a strong shoulder to lean on. I dated a body builder once upon a time, and the feel and look of his muscles against my soft curves were a great combination. :love:
  • NGFive
    NGFive Posts: 125 Member
    Tall, wide shoulders, nice eyes, nice calves and a warm smile and don't forget that confident swagger.