Want to Start Weight Lifting

Okay, so I have been on here for about 3 months and in that time I have managed to drop 45 pounds. I am very happy with that and although I have a long way to go I would like to start lifting weights and toning up a bit. I have no idea where to start, how to start, or what equipment I might need. I have a weight bench and weights at home.

Here is my biggest concerns:
1) I have had surgery on both knees in the past and they are not in the greatest of shape, but I thinkg they will be okay
2) I had a back surgery 20 years ago and it likes to act up from time to time, I do not want to have it go out and throw me off everything I have been doing
3) I tore a ligament in my elbow at work about 8 months ago and although it is healing fine, I don't want to tear it again.

Any advice would be appreciated.


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    With your physical limitations, it's best to 1) get approval from your doctor, and 2) work with a personal trainer experienced with injuries and/or a physical therapist. They will give you a personalized workout plan based on an assessment of your abilities. Avoid cookie-cutter workouts from the web - they may do more harm than good.
  • crb0077
    Well done with your weight loss!!! That's fab! Lifting weights or should I say growing muscle will burn even more fat and tone you up but with the issues that you have suffered in the past I would agree with the previous poster......speak to the doctor, invest in a personal trainer (even if only for the first few sessions) to give you ideas of exercises that you can do safely and without further injury, they will also be able to help strengthen any weaknesses!

    I have always had knee pain and suffer with sciatica sometimes to the point of not being able to walk but since going to the gym and lifting these problems seem to be disappearing! I honestly believe that it has helped me no end!!!

    Good luck : )
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    I have had a handful of surgeries on my back, my one and only rule in the gym is this, You should be able to move the weight smoothly, if you have to jerk the weight and rely on momentum it's too heavy. My rep weight on Squat is currently 235 keeping it smooth, deadlift 205, bench 185, OHP 100. I max about 35-40% over my rep weight, so I could be repping a bit higher but I keep it a bit lower to keep it smooth. This has worked for me and my back has been fine. I also have an issue with my shoulder and this keeps me from aggravating that. My lifting buddy has bad knees and this has helped keep him in the game as well. also only add weight when I can move it smoothly so typically every other, or every third week. Your mileage may vary, good luck.

  • sjebert
    sjebert Posts: 212 Member
    I've got the approval and encouragement of the doctor so that is all good. I will look into a personal trainer. Kind of tough living in a town of only 2300 people, I might have to drive a bit to find one.
  • incredibleshrinkingjackie
    call the rehab department at you local hospital. they should be able to get you a couple of appointments with a pt. they will show you what you should be doing and how to do it and then you can take that knowledge to a different gym and work out there. you may have to talk to your doctor about a referral, but he should be willing to do it.

    this is what i did after my knee surgery.
  • sjebert
    sjebert Posts: 212 Member
    That is a great idea, and seeing as the doctor is so excited about what I have done so far, my guess is he will be all for me seeing them and trying to lose even more weight.