I have no idea what to eat

briana12077 Posts: 128 Member
So I've been counting calories again and I've been doing pretty well. I've only noticed that I still manage to fit a lot of junk into my diet. Some is obviously going to happen but I want to work on eating MORE HEALTHY FOODS, so that my body is just gaining the nutrients and all that good stuff it needs to be strong and fit and energetic.
Anyways... I'm 20 years old, I'm not a great cook, I'm in college and working, and live at home right now. I tend to just eat whats in the house or eat what my mom makes for dinner.

MY QUESTION IS: What are some quick or easy healthy ideas you guys have or do to have healthy options at home? I'm thinking about making a big salad on sundays to have salads for lunch through the week. But that is just one idea. (And I love dressing blehh) But I'd love to hear how you guys make healthy meals. :)


  • Danimay54
    Hey Briana,
    I'm trying to work on eating healthier as well, I work as a cook, so it can be a little bit hard to resist temptation. But I've been working on packing lunches and that definitely helps. Being prepared is the key thing that has helped me be successful. So, what I have been aiming for is to eat smaller, more frequent meals. I try to eat about 5-6 times a day, with each meal being about 100-300 calories. My personal trainer said that I should be aiming to eat about every 3 hours.
    This is what a typical day is like for me (I work early in the morning, so it works best with my schedule, I still need to figure something out for my days off). First thing in the morning, I drink a protein shake on my way to work. It's about 90 calories, and it leaves me room to have my coffee with creamer as well. I normally pack some type of fruit (bananas, grapes, whathaveyou), some type of protein/carb (greek yogurt, cottage cheese and fruit, string cheese and crackers), and then some higher calorie "meal" for lunch like a sandwhich, or salad. When I am home I will make a balanced meal like I did last night with chicken, rice, and carrots onions and broccoli all mixed together with a little bit of teriyaki sauce. I also found a yogurt based Caesar dressing that tastes really good and is only 45 calories per serving. It has no preservatives and all that junk, and it allows me to continue to have my caesar salads when the craving strikes. I keep celery, peanut butter, and raisins on hand too. Ants on a log are great when i'm feeling munchy.

    I know that's a lot of stuff, but I hope it helps. I try to think about the things that I like and make changes to them so they are healthier, more filling, and more nutritious.

    Maybe just spend a day browsing the internet for food ideas, and write them down on index cards. Separate them by color for each meal, and then when you can't think of what to eat for that meal or snack, you can bust out the cards and have some good ideas on hand.