Omron HR-210 Strap Free Heart Rate Monitor

I can get a Omron HR-210 Strap Free Heart Rate Monitor through work for free. I have a fitbit, which I love.

Its free, but I could get something else free in its place.

Any experience with it?


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Without a chest strap you might as well leave it there. Your Fitbit will tell you more useful information.
  • fougamou
    fougamou Posts: 200 Member
    That is what my fear was.
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    I used to have a cheapie HR watch without a strap and found it gave me false calorie readings (by a huge leap!).. My polar HR monitor is precise as it has the chest strap.