Needing a quote

Does anyone know the quote Ive been trying to remember that is something to the effect of Keep doing what feels bad until it feels good or keep pushing to do what doesnt feel good until the day it doesnt feel good to not do it....something like that.
I really need that quote and if I can find it will adopt it as my new Mantra!
I have suffered with a panic disorder since April that is called Nocturnal Anxiety Disorder. Basically I wake from a sound sleep in a full blown panic attack. I am on meds for this now (which I despise having to be dependent on) But the past few nights I wake up every couple of hours with my heart racing, mouth sooo dry, and "shaky" and then when I sit up first thing in the morning I get so nauseated. Sometimes its "mild" which is hard to even use that word because even mild is bad. Other times its so bad I cant control crying..its such a fight or flight feeling. Once it passes, Im just totally exhausted , I suppose from all the "hell" my body has just gone through. The fact Im not getting a good night sleep doesnt help.
Anyway, did not mean for this to turn into a poor little me story and Im not looking for sympathy...what Im really looking for is a miracle LOL!
But in spite of the attacks being bad the past few days and me beginning my day making excuses, after Ive been up an hour or so and the worst passes I MAKE myself get dressed, get out and walk. I need that quote so bad. Think I will hang signs all over the house with it, if I can find it!
Thanks! Becca


  • Caralyn
    Caralyn Posts: 124 Member

    Check They have an area that you can look up quotes. Also, you could Google "quotes" and see what that comes up with. I wish you much luck in conquering your problem.
  • animatedbecca

    Check They have an area that you can look up quotes. Also, you could Google "quotes" and see what that comes up with. I wish you much luck in conquering your problem.

    Thanks Caralyn :)
    I tried that and went to all the quote sites I could find and searched them too. If no one knows it, I may just have to come up with my own famous quote LOL
  • goldspaula
    goldspaula Posts: 161
    Dear Becca,

    Looked all over for that quote and couldn't find it. Panic attacks run rampant in my family and I hope you can get a handle on that really soon. While looking I ran into this one; “Faith moves mountains, but you have to keep pushing while you are praying.” by Mason Cooley. You are doing such a good job. I noticed your quit smoking banner that is Awesome! Just keep trying and keep smiling. You keep pushing while we are all pulling for you.
  • animatedbecca
    Dear Becca,

    Looked all over for that quote and couldn't find it. Panic attacks run rampant in my family and I hope you can get a handle on that really soon. While looking I ran into this one; “Faith moves mountains, but you have to keep pushing while you are praying.” by Mason Cooley. You are doing such a good job. I noticed your quit smoking banner that is Awesome! Just keep trying and keep smiling. You keep pushing while we are all pulling for you.
    Aww how sweet! That alone is a great quote "I must keep pushing for all who are pulling for me" I love it!!

    Thank you so much!
  • goldspaula
    goldspaula Posts: 161

    You are so welcome. I love your enthusiasm!
  • animatedbecca
    Thank you! My Dr calls it "high strung" LOL! Thats his new thing for describing me and trying to justify these panic attacks...Ive always been hyper, and high strung and type A personality that has to have everything in my little world perfect or I have a meltdown. Yeah ok doc whatever. I may agree with ALL of that but why did I never have a panic attack till you put me on Chantix? And thank you very much Im now 27 day smoke free without your mind altering drug! Oops! I said all that out loud didnt I?