Advice re: Too big to exercise enough help w. food



  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    Hello, I am glad you are here and that you want to change your circumstances to become healthier!! That is what got me started on my journey last March!!

    At first I had been a ginormous eater!! I ate all day long, whatever suited my fancy. I knew it had to stop, but I was really afraid that I wouldn't be able to cut down for a significant amount of time. I was, and admittedly still am, a sweetaholic!! I allow a place within the calories I eat for sweets every day, but try to limit my carbs to 90 or less a day. I had surgery, with complications a month ago, and am trying to maintain my weight right now, so since my appetite isn't very good, I have been more lax on my carbs recently, but I keep a tight reign most of the time.

    Due to my over eating, I began by eating 5 to 6 times a day. Usually 6. Some of my meals were only 100 calories, like 1/2 cup of non fat greek yogurt with some added flavor from fruit, or salsa, etc. By eating 6 times a day, I was only hungry rarely and it kept me from snacking on the things I knew I shouldn't. It worked well for me!!

    If you want to try eating more often, it may help you and that way, even if you are not 'full', you know it will only be an hour or two until your next meal!! I hope that helps!! I also after about a month, started walking. I have a lot of health issues, so I went at a comfortable speed, for a comfortable distance, that I built up over time!! I am back at the beginning now, but will work my way up again. ;-)

    Also, if you are short on time, or want fast food, there are many healthier choices, like crunchy chicken tacos, from taco bell. If you get them on crunchy shells with pico de gallo, no cheese, they are only 130 calories. A small chili at Wendys, is only is only 180 calories and 13 grams of protein!! So, there are some fairly healthy choices out there!! Chipotle has burrito bowl, no flour tortilla, that are super yummy, calories vary on ingredients, so skip rice, add beans if you like them, meat, fajita vegies and salsa. A lot of nutrition for your calorie buck!!

    Almost all fast food restaurants have online nutrition information, so the calories are easier to find than most restaurants!! Best of luck to you and feel free to add me to your list of friends if you would like to!!
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Leslie Sansone is a great, low impact, do at home workout and she's easy to adjust according to your ability.

    I was 266 at my heaviest (ten years ago) and I started by just walking and counting calories.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    You said you have a "low functioning thyroid", is this a condition that has been diagnosed by a doctor? If so, are you being medicated for it? You said you are anemic (low iron), are you taking an iron supplement to help with that? Being anemic will cause fatigue(and sometimes shortness of breath upon exertion), and with fatigue you really won't feel like pushing your self to exercise (even if it is just a walk) ...
  • spirit05
    spirit05 Posts: 204 Member
    I started out over 300 lb.
    The first thing I did was purchase a stability ball for $8.65 at Walmart. I began by sitting on it at my computer for 30 min. a day and worked up to 2 hours a day. Now I spend most of the day on my ball, even while doing homework or watching t.v.. It sounds silly but I have lost almost 70 lb. since Feb. of this year. Also, log everything you eat, EVERYTHING! The good, the bad, and the ugly.
    Starting small is the key to sustainable weight loss.
  • I agree about not having to exercise at first. I have been exercising since January and have not seen the scale fact it had gone up a little. This week, I finally got serious and started using this site again. Losing weight is 90% what you put in your mouth. I have lost 6 pounds already this week, just by sticking to my 1200 calories per day....which is not easy. I was probably easily eating about 3,000 per day before. But, I do have to say, the cravings are slowly going away. I did have a craving for Panera Bread today though and splurged on a whole sandwich and chips plus 2 carrot bars with cream cheese frosting at my moms. ( My mom's house is a huge trigger for some reason probably because I was an obese child and loved to eat...and DID!). Anyway, in the past this would have thrown me off the whole weight loss thing and I would have given up and just splurged the whole day. Instead this time I actually logged it and exercised today. Unfortunately I ate almost all my calories for the day today for lunch, but by exercising I am only 22 calories over my allotment today. I guess I ate enough at lunch that I am still not hungry tonight and it is 7:30. So, even if you can't exercise at first, really try to get your eating under control first and lose some weight and then you will feel better and actually want to get moving. Good luck!
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    You don't have to exercise to lose weight. You HAVE to control mindless eating though. You need to make a firm commitment to this. Absolutely stick to your calorie count.

    Now as far as exercise goes, start where you are and be consistent. If five minutes makes you huff and puff, do six minutes. Do it every day for six days, then the next week do seven minutes six days a week. Always take at least one rest day per week. Whenever it gets too easy, make it harder somehow. I started out doing just Wii Fit and walking like a quarter mile. When Wii Fit got too easy, I put on wrist and ankle weights and kept doing it. When that got too easy, I got a riser for my step. By the time that got too easy, I was 80 pounds down and I started walking further and doing kettlebells. Then I started doing Couch to 5K, then biking, then kayaking, you get the idea. Edit to add: I am currently training for my first triathlon. My Saturday workouts are a 20 mile bike ride, 6 miles of kayaking, and a 4 mile trail run. I can do ALL THAT, and less than a year ago I was using a walker and one of the electric scooters for shopping, and taking fewer than 800 steps a day. Adaptive fitness is real. Consistency is what gets you there.

    I was 347 lbs, 45 years old, when I started with messed up knees. My Mom in law is 64, has had back surgery, knee replacements, and she's lost 80 pounds since April. Control what you put in your mouth to lose weight, start where you are with what you can do for fitness and be consistent. Your body will adapt.
  • You said you have a "low functioning thyroid", is this a condition that has been diagnosed by a doctor? If so, are you being medicated for it? You said you are anemic (low iron), are you taking an iron supplement to help with that? Being anemic will cause fatigue(and sometimes shortness of breath upon exertion), and with fatigue you really won't feel like pushing your self to exercise (even if it is just a walk) ...

    Both by doctor, didnt qualify for thyroid meds but i am taking an iron supplement but i have trouble absorbing the iron so yes i do feel the fatigue and SOB often which makes exercise even more difficult but going to do as much as i can
  • You don't have to exercise to lose weight. You HAVE to control mindless eating though. You need to make a firm commitment to this. Absolutely stick to your calorie count.

    Now as far as exercise goes, start where you are and be consistent. If five minutes makes you huff and puff, do six minutes. Do it every day for six days, then the next week do seven minutes six days a week. Always take at least one rest day per week. Whenever it gets too easy, make it harder somehow. I started out doing just Wii Fit and walking like a quarter mile. When Wii Fit got too easy, I put on wrist and ankle weights and kept doing it. When that got too easy, I got a riser for my step. By the time that got too easy, I was 80 pounds down and I started walking further and doing kettlebells. Then I started doing Couch to 5K, then biking, then kayaking, you get the idea. Edit to add: I am currently training for my first triathlon. My Saturday workouts are a 20 mile bike ride, 6 miles of kayaking, and a 4 mile trail run. I can do ALL THAT, and less than a year ago I was using a walker and one of the electric scooters for shopping, and taking fewer than 800 steps a day. Adaptive fitness is real. Consistency is what gets you there.

    I was 347 lbs, 45 years old, when I started with messed up knees. My Mom in law is 64, has had back surgery, knee replacements, and she's lost 80 pounds since April. Control what you put in your mouth to lose weight, start where you are with what you can do for fitness and be consistent. Your body will adapt.

    Very inspiring thank you
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Talk to your Dr. about iron supplements & perhaps thyroid medication? Both are very important to general health!

    Yep I had a full medical including blood tests within past month
    On Iron supps but have trouble with absorption, I tire easily due to this
    and Dont qualify for thyroid medds...was told losing weight and exercise would help...well DAH! that's what i need help with lol.
    But like you have all said start of slow making small changes and I am def on the path doing that
    thanks again:drinker:

    Do you take vitamin C with your iron? My doc had me do that while my gut was healing from celiac disease and it helped the absorption tremendously.

    I agree with the walking and when you are feeling able to do more try a water aerobics class. My punk kid sister loves it and she hates the word exercise, but everyone in her class is an overweight woman so she doesn't feel embarrassed or alone. I just walk or hike for exercise, but I do at least 30 minutes a day and most days an hour. (today I did over two hours of walking, not counting the trip to Target and the supermarket.)
  • I agree about not having to exercise at first. I have been exercising since January and have not seen the scale fact it had gone up a little. This week, I finally got serious and started using this site again. Losing weight is 90% what you put in your mouth. I have lost 6 pounds already this week, just by sticking to my 1200 calories per day....which is not easy. I was probably easily eating about 3,000 per day before. But, I do have to say, the cravings are slowly going away. I did have a craving for Panera Bread today though and splurged on a whole sandwich and chips plus 2 carrot bars with cream cheese frosting at my moms. ( My mom's house is a huge trigger for some reason probably because I was an obese child and loved to eat...and DID!). Anyway, in the past this would have thrown me off the whole weight loss thing and I would have given up and just splurged the whole day. Instead this time I actually logged it and exercised today. Unfortunately I ate almost all my calories for the day today for lunch, but by exercising I am only 22 calories over my allotment today. I guess I ate enough at lunch that I am still not hungry tonight and it is 7:30. So, even if you can't exercise at first, really try to get your eating under control first and lose some weight and then you will feel better and actually want to get moving. Good luck!

    well done for getting back on track
    I am leaving my food diary public so I can be accountable for my eating
  • My heart goes out to you. First, stay away from the drive through. Pack healthy food in your purse if you need to! Chew sugar free gum. Drink water or tea. Listen to books on cd. You don't hve to do tons of exercise to get started. If your legs won't cooperate, flap your arms about. Or just walk a little further to the store or try to walk to the corner.

    Thanks babr will take this on board :)
  • Hello, I am glad you are here and that you want to change your circumstances to become healthier!! That is what got me started on my journey last March!!

    If you want to try eating more often, it may help you and that way, even if you are not 'full', you know it will only be an hour or two until your next meal!! I hope that helps!! I also after about a month, started walking. I have a lot of health issues, so I went at a comfortable speed, for a comfortable distance, that I built up over time!! I am back at the beginning now, but will work my way up again. ;-)

    Sounds great
    well done for getting back on it
    Im with ya
  • Uneeknitter
    Uneeknitter Posts: 134 Member
    Walking, cause you have to start somewhere. My husband tried to get me running again (last time I ran I was 30 lbs. lighter than I am now). It hurt badly, both my ego AND my knees. Anyways, I started walking again. This is how I started the last time and even just a little bit of walking helps. There is no "enough" to exercise. Good luck!!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    My weaknesses are what i call ignorant eating, I'm doing great then next thing you know Im in the drive though eaten a lot of food then gone ..oh ****. Not even consciously aware of what I'm doing That is the main culprit. Apart from that I eat healthy meals but just too much of it.

    I don't want to be harsh, but the first thing you need to do is take responsibility for your choices. If you're mindlessly pulling into a drive-thru and eating a ton of food, then getting your weight under control hasn't become enough of a priority yet. Because when it is the top priority, what you're eating and how much you're eating are always on your mind. This is life or death here. You gotta woman up and get it done.
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    I'm going to echo a lot of the other posters here so forgive me,

    I started at 340lbs and could barely walk down the block when I started. I tried a gym and I was so heavy I got back pain while working out and still the scale didn't move

    So I changed tactics and did as other posters suggested. I weighed everything I put in my mouth and logged everything so I knew what I was eating.

    Actual real portion sizes scared me a lot, but I ended up replacing a lot of the carbs with vegetables so it looked like I was getting more food - and I was, better quality food

    (Side note, cauliflower is an amazing vegetable and can be substituted for mashed potatoes, bread, etc)

    Instead of grabbing store bought chips, I made my own from spinach, kale, & zucchini and homemade potato/sweet potato chips - all baked

    I wasnt a big cooker and ate out a lot previously - Now, I eat no fast food, and occasionally out to restaurants, where I can order specifically for me - no heavy sauces, steamed vegetables, double order of veggies instead of rice or mashed potatoes

    because I wasn't really a big cooker, the internet was a big help in terms of cooking ideas, and I could adjust the recipes to suit the way I wanted to eat.

    So to me, diet and logging what you ate, watching serving sizes was the key.

    As the weight started to come off, then I started walking. I have a Walgreens .4 miles from my house. So I made it a simple goal - if I needed something from Walgreens, I wasn't going to drive, I was going to walk. No mph goal. Just move.

    I still don't walk really above 2mph and it's not really a goal of mine. I probably won't ever be jogging/running. but I now try to walk every day for at least 1 mile, but I have been averaging at least 2 miles daily now so it does come with time

    So don't get discouraged, and take it one day at a time. It does take work and commitment, but it is possible. And we all have days where it seems impossible, or pointless, it really isn't.

    Quite frankly, I feel better than I have in years and I was a Type 2 diabetic (taking insulin and oral meds) and extremely hypertensive. Today, I am completely off the diabetes meds, no shots & no pills. I have halved the high blood pressure meds (it's hereditary as well so will likely always take something for that).

    Good luck and I wish you success with your weight loss

  • So to me, diet and logging what you ate, watching serving sizes was the key.

    Good luck and I wish you success with your weight loss

    Yep this is the message i am taking away thank you