What was your final straw?



  • tobeamazing
    My final straw was expecting change but not changing myself. I have been eating double the calories I should and complaining why I can't lose weight, then trying to fix the sadness and self loathing by eating more, endless cycle.
  • laura0770
    laura0770 Posts: 161 Member
    Going into my closet and looking at all the beautiful clothes that fit me last year that I can't fit into this year:grumble:
  • messakins
    messakins Posts: 9 Member
    My final straw was seeing that I almost weighed 200 lbs. :( Also, as I was looking through pictures of me and my boyfriend, I realized how fat I was compared to his skinny self.
  • dgeorgiadis
    dgeorgiadis Posts: 95 Member
    I was having a hard time breathing while laying on my back. I always had to lay on my side to relieve the heavy feeling in my chest, I was having a hard time putting on my socks because I couldn't bring my feet up because my gut was getting in the way.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I had made a New Years Resolution to lose weight but we all know how those ultimately turn out. On New Years day we had patriots tickets at the top, top, top, top of Gillette stadium. We have to walk up to our seats, up ramps, not stairs.

    Getting up the ramps made me feel like I was going to die. We missed kickoff because I was slowing us down, just not a good time at all.

    That was the day I was not going to be limited by my fat *kitten* ever again. I run now, in fact I've ran 2 races where I got to RUN up and down those ramps and I ran the @#$#@ out of them. It was an awesome race, you finish by running out of the big giant inflatable Patriots helmet and across the 50 yard line. I plan on doing that race every year until I cant move anymore to celebrate my hard earned fitness.

    An added bonus was I did the electric run and was surprised that it ended running those ramps. I was hooting and hollering the whole time and people must have though I was a wierdo (shaddup you)
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    When my now ex cheated on me with a girl that was a lot smaller than me.

    he definitely checked me out

    You do realize what a *kitten* he is, right?
  • kayjane92
    A picture of my niece and I. I almost cried.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    I got a gym membership to get better exercise but wasn't thinking too much about weight. Then I looked at myself in my training clothes in the gym mirror and was thinking "errrrrrrr...I don't remember looking this heavy before.....girl you've gotten chunky since the last time you were here!" Dat *kitten* and dem thighs, man.
  • Tofuheart
    Tofuheart Posts: 191 Member
    There was a few:

    Seeing I have been on this site for 3 years and I'm still at my highest weight.
    Not being able to zip up any of my winter jackets.
    Acting like a vampire when someone wants to take my picture/ seeing myself in pictures.
    Feeling very anxious about going to the local pool because people can see my body.
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    Trying and failing over and over and realizing if I'd just stuck with it, I could be there and done with it by now! I could be done with panicking in dressing rooms and avoiding people with cameras (or groaning with humiliated disgust if I couldn't avoid them and then I had to look at myself in a room full of people who had their **** together). And I might need to fit into a wedding dress by the fall of 2014, so there's that.

    ETA: Also, seeing 234.6 pounds on the scale and not wanting to waste my twenties hating my body so much.
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    So many final straws.... sadly, none of them very final. I've just about given up being disgusted with myself at this point and I'm just exercising to feel good and any weight loss that goes along with it is just a bonus. I don't hold out much hope of ever being much under 200lbs for very long, but I can do my best to keep my quality of life as high as I can for as long as possible and keep myself from having a preventable heart attack in my 40s....
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Saw a photo of myself with 4 chins. I'm not super photogenic to begin with, that just made it worse.
  • rbcrawford1
    rbcrawford1 Posts: 29 Member
    I tried on jeans in a dressing room. I knew I had put on a few pounds (on top of baby weight), but I grabbed a size that I thought was a reasonable guess. Couldn't get them over my thighs. I left and immediately drove to a gym to join and buy a training package. I promised myself I wouldn't buy jeans in a size I wasn't comfortable being.
  • karlospiklington
    karlospiklington Posts: 143 Member
    My final straw was going to buy some clothes and realising that I had crept up 2 dress sizes in the space of about 6 months. Ridiculous! Plus I felt generally unfit and unwell, which I knew was down to my weightgain. I was just sick of feeling and looking bad so I decided it was time for a change.
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    There were a few bad moments that could have been "final straws"...being told I had inherited my mother's hips and therefore a likely propensity for osteoarthritis there and I had to be careful...didn't work.

    Struggling to do up my size 14 jeans...nope.

    Having to go to my size 16 jeans...little flutter of panic, but not enough.

    Struggling to do up my size 16 jeans...panic a little more, but again, not enough.

    Go to the doctor to get a prescription refill...he makes me get on the scales...seeing that I was over 100kg...real horror and panic. That was my final straw. I could not, absolutely could not, be over 100.
  • ArmyStrong1995
    Mine was when I realized my PCOS wasn't going to get better if I didn't lose weight. Oh, and that I'd never be able to join the National Guard if I didn't.

    So far I'm down from ~167lb to 148lb! (: I only have 16lb left to go until I go to MEPS (my goal is by January).
  • BlankDoll
    I like to keep my stomach flat.
  • mrshudson813
    mrshudson813 Posts: 128 Member
    My mom telling me that she wanted us to both have gastric bypass surgery at the same time. If I'm big enough to qualify for gastric bypass surgery, then I need to do something about it.
  • wonderiss
    wonderiss Posts: 55 Member
    Took "my kids" to Schlitterbahn, a water park. After waiting in line we are about to get on the ride and I read the warning sign for the ride. According to the sign I was too heavy for the ride. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to leave the kids to ride alone. I didn't want to embarrass them or myself by breaking the ride because I was too heavy. I didn't want to make them skip the ride. So, I pretended like I didn't read the sign and rode anyway. I prayed and worried the entire time. Everything was fine but I decided right then that I would never put myself through that type of stress and anxiety again. That experience along with my realization that as a teacher I needed to be an example of good choices and health for my students set me on my weight loss journey. Went back to that same water park this summer and enjoyed the same ride knowing that I had absolutely no concerns about being too heavy.
  • sherri_bee
    sherri_bee Posts: 4 Member
    Out of 12 pairs of pants in my closet I could only fit into two and those were the ones with stretchy elastic waistbands. I couldn't get an XL shirt around "the girls" and the sweaters I had made me look like I had a cask of rum strapped to my belly.

    I'm a really slow loser so I tend to go gangbusters and then give up. Also being peri-menopausal doesn't help. Nor does having a chef for a husband!

    But, bit by bit, bite by bite I will succeed.