Holiday Anxiety

Hey everyone! I've been on a roller coaster ride with my journey to health, but right now I just have a few lbs to go before I feel like I will reach my goal. The problem is that my life just seems to be getting in the way! Haha. Warning ... Small rant!

I am just having a lot of anxiety about the upcoming holidays. I have to spend a whole week with my in-laws (for lack of a better term) and they are not the easiest people to get along with. They are pressuring my bf and me to get married and have children, and yet they don't leave us a second of privacy! They have no filter and can be really stressful. We did the same vacation trip last year, and their arguing and pressure was so intense that I had a spastic colon episode and almost ended up in the hospital. Anyway, I'm leaving in a few days and its kind of getting to me! Not to mention, I won't have my kitchen, and my food scale, and MY foods that I eat that are healthy and figure friendly. There is going to be tons of temptation! My favorite burger joint, delicious Mexican food, sushi, Persian food, ice cream, pizza... The food at this vacation spot is ridiculous! Dont even get me started on thanksgiving!!! How ever will I manage? I never ever go out to eat :/ it's going to feel so out of control...

I am also struggling because last week I was sick, and couldn't work out. I got in a car accident and our car was totaled, and now we have NO car until we can shop for one when we get back from vacation. My mom is in the hospital and when I go to visit her for the first time in a year (we live very far apart) I don't really know what to expect. Agh, so many things, but I just need an outlet... And some advice!

What should I do about all of this stress right now? Stress about family, finances, food, fitness.... Any suggestions would be appreciated.


  • sunsetzen
    sunsetzen Posts: 268 Member
  • JL2513
    JL2513 Posts: 867 Member
    Try listing out everything that's got you worried and make 'plans' to deal with them. For example, in terms of food, are there healthier restaurants you can seek out? Are you able to eat lighter for most of the day and just indulge for one meal?

    Make an extra effort to work out harder and eat better before you leave for your trip so that you have a little more breathing room to enjoy yourself. You're close to goal, so you may as well enjoy your time away. Stress can encourage weight gain, so make the best of the situation. Have fun! You've come this far already, don't let this derail you.
  • lebaker310
    lebaker310 Posts: 164 Member
    Normally my cure would be a whole bottle of wine, but I like that persons suggestions better.

    I don't think anyone can really help with personal issues, but fitness and health wise: do what you can. You have a lot more control than you think you do. Don't restrict yourself too much, it's just going to make you stress out more. Don't over indulge, because then you'll just feel like crap.

    Watch your portions! Even if the food is unhealthy, you can still control how much of it you can eat. You may not have a scale, so look up ways to measure easily(palm for protein, thumb of cheese). When you go out to eat try to make healthier decisions. Instead of the aoili loaded deep fried rolls, opt for a simple tuna roll.

    When you feel the tension rising with your in laws or you become bothered, why don't you break away for a walk alone or with your partner? Burn calories, clear your mind, and relax. Maybe try to wake up early to get some cardio or yoga in while everyone else is asleep.

    If all else fails, chug a bottle of wine :)
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    just eat smaller portions. At the restaurant eat half and take the other half home. It won't be perfect, but it'll limit the damage.

    re your in-laws I can't give any suggestions, I can only tell you that it doesn't improve down the line at all (I can tell you this after 12 long years) :-)
  • Ideabaker
    Ideabaker Posts: 515 Member
    Is staying a few days in a hotel (with a rental car) an option for you? It would reduce the time spent "under fire" and give the two of you some alone time. Just a thought.

    Otherwise, I would get the bf on board for a daily walk after dinner (to bond, have some private time, and it will also burn off some calories). Squeeze in walks, heck, maybe even with the future Mother In Law, to just "chat" about anything. She's going to hound you anyway, you might as well burn some cals--reducing stress-- while she's doing so. Do they have a dog that you can walk?

    Of course, eating small portions, bringing some healthy recipes you've "really been wanting to try and thought they might LOVE" (plus ingredients) with you and offering to help with cooking (so you can make some healthful foods) could help as well.

    Good luck, it sounds like it could be an opportunity to leap over some hurdles and possibly even grow closer with these people who may be in your life indefinitely!
  • popsicklestar
    popsicklestar Posts: 166 Member
    If there's a way to workout there, that would make you feel better. See if there are any gyms in the area or just walk or jog outside. Let yourself have a few treats; it really won't make that big of a difference. Just keep logging and try not to go too much over your calories.
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    Working out always makes me feel better. Focus your energy on some good long walks and maybe some meditation...that's really what I do to get through stress. I'm sorry so many crappy things have happened to you lately. :frown:
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    If you're down to your last few pounds it's time to train for maintenance. Life is going to happen. You're going to go out to eat and be around ice cream and burger joints. Now is the time when you should be developing the habits that will allow you to maintain without being constantly stressed out by food.

    Consider loosening up on your restrictions a bit. If you really want a certain food just have a small portion and fit it into your calories. Keep logging even if you have to estimate. Practice eyeballing portions. Half a up is the size of a tennis ball, one serving of meat is the size of a deck of cards, etc.
  • ciki90
    ciki90 Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions everyone!

    I will be exercising a lot. Last time we were at this spot we averaged 4-5 miles of walking per day, and the apartment complex has a little (crappy) gym in there too if I really need it.

    I'm just going to focus on what I will enjoy about the trip and try to let go a LITTLE bit about the food. I always look forward to eating there, so maybe this time I can look forward to it, eat a reasonable amount, and be proud of myself that I didn't go overboard!

    I don't drink alcohol, so a bottle of wine is not the answer :) haha. Cute though.

    My wheels were spinning last night really fast, and I was just kind of trying to not stress eat! So I posted here. I still stress ate a little bit but I didn't go over maintenance. Life will go on.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    It's one week. A drop in the bucket in the scheme of things. Exercise, do what you can, but don't over stress it. Your weight issues didn't evolve to fullness in a week, and a week of overindulging means absolutely nothing in the scheme of things.

    The only real issue here is if you believe a week of free eating will lead to overeating for the remainder of the holiday season. If that's the case, I totally get the issue.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    I understand how you feel. My boyfriend's family tends to prepare very unhealthy food, so even though I enjoy their company, sometimes I'll find myself avoiding family dinners. Maybe you can offer to prepare food for the whole family sometimes while you're there, so you can make something healthy. They'll probably appreciate the break of feeding and caring for company and themselves!

    At times like these, I raise my calorie goal to maintenance. Although you may not want to put your weight loss on hold, your primary focus should be not gaining weight during the holidays, because that's enough of a challenge!