Hi myfitnesspal heavy lifters

Hi everyone, I'm looking for supportive friends out here who are exercising regularly and eating at tdee-20%.
I have used mfp before and lost 10 kg around 22 lb then stopped it and been maintaining ever since but I'm back on track too loos another 22 -25 lb to get to my goal weight even though I'm after my dream body and not so much about what the scale show. At the moment I'm doing insanity but all I want to do is weight as it's the way to loose weight and tone. Would love to get some support and advice as I have never lifted more then 2.5 lb dumbbell in my life. I'm stay at home mummy of two young girls, while daddy works offshore. So I'm very lonely out here as we recently moved I don't know anyone out here.
If you like pleas add me. And all of you have a great day