Success Story!!

6 months ago I was topping out the scale out at 285lbs and when I started MFP. I had and 46 inch waist and a 13 inch neck. I was wearing an XXL shirt and a size 46 inch pants. I was just tired of being unhappy with myself and not being able to feel comfortable in my clothes. One of my Coworkers suggested i use MFP. I was unsure about using it because i was embarrassed about the way i looked, how i felt and was concerned about what others would say.

Well fast-forward to today. I'm down 65 lbs, I can fit into a Medium Shirt comfortably, I have a 35 inch waist and 16 inch neck. Peoples tell me all the time great job on your weight lost, OMG you look amazing. And truth be told I feel amazing. I have so much of energy now it feels like my life has been recharged. This wasn't an easy road for me to travel on but because of the awesome fan base support group that i have here on MFP y'all have made it possible for me to complete my task. Y'all are awesome and i just want to say thank you for all the support and motivation you guys and girls have given me. there's been times when i wanted to quit but y'all keep me going. i have 5 more lbs to go before I'm at my goal weight but i think I'm going for a new goal weight of 200 lbs so wish me luck and once again Thank you for the support many of you have given me.
