I cant lose my weight! :(

Basically, i weigh 57 kg and 5ft 4inch and I want to lose 7kg between 6 - 8 months. I only exercise 2 times a week, 2 hours each. I lose about 500 or more per exercise. Myfitnesspal said to me "Your projected weight loss is: 0.7 kg/week
You should lose 3.5 kg by December 21" But i haven't lost anything at all!

Firstly, My goal is 1200 calories a day. I don't get the net calories formula. It says that I should eat 1200 and the calories i burnt during exercise. If I do this, How am I losing weight?

Secondly, Can someone give me some tips on how to lose 0.75 kg a week just by eating 1200 calories a day and burning 1,110 per week?

Thirdly, can someone give me advice on how to lose weight really fast?


  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    Your body needs (for example) about 2000 calories to do what it does every day, if you eat 1200 it has to take the extra 800 calories from your body fat, and that's how you lose weight. If you do 500 calories worth of exercise then your body needs 2500 calories, so if you eat 1700 calories (your 1200 plus the 500 you burned off from exercise) then your body is still missing 800 calories which it needs, so it takes it from body fat. That's why you eat back your exercise calories.
    I don't know why you aren't losing weight as I don't really know anything about what you are doing or how long you have been doing it.
    Any advice on how to lose weight really fast is bad advice. Most people don't have the mental strength to lose more than 1lb (0.45kg) per week, and losing more than this per week will just burn off all of your muscle. Plus you won't be able to get the nutrients you need from such low calories.
  • Nightwing1990
    Anyone can lose wight.
    You can lose weight by either

    Exercising and dieting


    Starving yourself (if you want to do this eat nothing but a can and a half of baked beans a day.)

    It's fairly simple really. Now stop making nonsensical threads online. Make a decision, be committed and you'll lose weight in no time.
  • kw1452
    kw1452 Posts: 113 Member
    I agree with the above post. You need to eat back your calories lost during exercise, and if you do so you are still keeping a calorie deficit that should help you to lose.

    However, if you are eating far fewer calories than your body needs to maintain itself, then your body could go into starvation mode, which makes weight loss very difficult. If that is the case, then you need to eat more for your body to stop desperately hanging on to every ounce. Humans are made to go through famine and survive, which is why we have these awful fat stores and stuff.

    Go onto some TDEE calculators and figure out how many calories your body needs on a daily basis. The Fitness pal app isnt super accurate for everyone. TDEE gives you a better idea. Once you know your daily calorie needs, just subtract 500 calories from that, and you should lose 1lb a week (dont know kg) safely without your body going into starvation mode.

    And I dont know how you are calculating your exercise calories, but I've heard the app can over-estimate, so many people eat back only half of their cals instead of all of them. I personally eat back all my calories and have been losing 1lb a week consistently.
  • speedy740
    speedy740 Posts: 141 Member
    Basically, i weigh 57 kg and 5ft 4inch and I want to lose 7kg between 6 - 8 months. I only exercise 2 times a week, 2 hours each. I lose about 500 or more per exercise. Myfitnesspal said to me "Your projected weight loss is: 0.7 kg/week
    You should lose 3.5 kg by December 21" But i haven't lost anything at all!

    Firstly, My goal is 1200 calories a day. I don't get the net calories formula. It says that I should eat 1200 and the calories i burnt during exercise. If I do this, How am I losing weight?

    Secondly, Can someone give me some tips on how to lose 0.75 kg a week just by eating 1200 calories a day and burning 1,110 per week?

    Thirdly, can someone give me advice on how to lose weight really fast?

    Reply to your thirdly: Yeah memo in; it's not gonna happen fast. Shoulda planned this weight loss idea a year ago. No quick fix sweetie. Sorry to give u the truth without sugar coating it like others would do. Stick with it for results. Don't give up after a short amount of time. Trust me it takes dedication and time.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Anyone can lose wight.
    You can lose weight by either

    Exercising and dieting


    Starving yourself (if you want to do this eat nothing but a can and a half of baked beans a day.)

    It's fairly simple really. Now stop making nonsensical threads online. Make a decision, be committed and you'll lose weight in no time.

    Wow. Your 2nd post today (that I've seen) talking about eating nothing but a can and a half of baked beans a day and losing weight. Stop posting nonsensical advice.
  • kw1452
    kw1452 Posts: 113 Member
    Another, totally different, idea - you could be underestimating your food calories. I've heard that can sabotage alot of people. I definitely underestimate my calories intake, but I also underestimate my activity level, so I feel like for me it balances out.
  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    Anyone can lose wight.
    You can lose weight by either

    Exercising and dieting


    Starving yourself (if you want to do this eat nothing but a can and a half of baked beans a day.)

    It's fairly simple really. Now stop making nonsensical threads online. Make a decision, be committed and you'll lose weight in no time.

    Wow. Your 2nd post today (that I've seen) talking about eating nothing but a can and a half of baked beans a day and losing weight. Stop posting nonsensical advice.

    I was thinking the same. Plus, if you are going to starve yourself, why would you choose baked beans as your tool to do so?
  • Nightwing1990
    I didn't advise her to lose weight by starving herself. I said she can do it, if she wants to, however. I lost weight by starving myself so I know how damaging it can be. Now get off your high horse and have a nice day.

  • Nightwing1990
    Ps because I liked baked mean. I don't anymore, however.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I didn't advise her to lose weight by starving herself. I said she can do it, if she wants to, however. I lost weight by starving myself so I know how damaging it can be. Now get off your high horse and have a nice day.


    Perhaps wording your advice in a clearer fashion would be helpful then.
  • Vivian06703188
    Vivian06703188 Posts: 310 Member
    Anyone can lose wight.
    You can lose weight by either

    Exercising and dieting


    Starving yourself (if you want to do this eat nothing but a can and a half of baked beans a day.)

    It's fairly simple really. Now stop making nonsensical threads online. Make a decision, be committed and you'll lose weight in no time.

    Wow. Your 2nd post today (that I've seen) talking about eating nothing but a can and a half of baked beans a day and losing weight. Stop posting nonsensical advice.

    I noticed that too. A join date of this month and a total of 4 posts. Looks like a second account just so you can spew crap and not get deleted. If you don't want to give useful advise don't comment. No one is forcing you.
  • Nightwing1990
  • Nightwing1990
    Not a second account. I'm not spewing anything but I do think you guys need to relax a little and enjoy life.

    Ps thanks for letting me know that no one is forcing me to comment
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 673 Member
    Your profile says your 33 y/o Male. At 5'4" and 125 (57kg) you want to lose 15 (7kg). OK, so you should be able to lose 15 pounds in 6-8 months. Even at .5 pounds per week. That is 2 pounds a month which is 14 pounds in 8 months (give or take a few)

    So what you need to do is figure out what a real calorie deficit is for you and eat at that. I feel like 1200 is probably not right but I don't know what you put all your settings at, like did you choose Sedentary as your activity level (MFP calls that a desk job) and did you set your goal to 2 lbs per week because you want to 'lose fast'. Losing fast is not always the best way to do it. If you have less than 30 pounds to lose, 2 pounds per week is probably not the right goal. You may want to look at .5 pounds per week.

    You will get there if you follow the plan, MFP also calculates your expenditure for normal daily activity based on your activity level and does not account for calories burned during purposed exercise, which is why they say eat back those calories, you should net your goal. Net = Eaten - (some) exercise calories. This calculation will allow you to eat back exercise calories but usually Not all of them, since the calories burned are usually overestimated. (You may want to invest in a HRM - more accurate burn calculation)

    But Most importantly - You should also measure and weigh your food to make sure you are actually at a calorie deficit, because that is all that really matters at the end of the day. If you consume less than you burn, you will lose weight. That is all. No magic, no secret, no tricks,

    Good Luck!
  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    Will eating only baked beans make me more relaxed and life more enjoyable? (srs)
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Will eating only baked beans make me more relaxed and life more enjoyable? (srs)

    They'll be relaxing until you start playing the magical song.
  • Nightwing1990
    Will eating baked beans make me more relaxed? No. I haven't had baked beans in two years btw. And when I did I was an insecure, antisocial, fat *kitten*. I forgot what your point was but to answer your question. No
  • sprale
    sprale Posts: 117 Member
    Here are some tips on your second item, losing weight while eating at a deficit and exercising.

    1. Log everything you eat. If you can, measure it somehow or eat preportioned amounts.
    2. Take your time. I know we all like to get things fast, but weight loss takes time. Depending on how much you have to lose and how active you can be, to lose weight consistency is far more important than speed.
    3. Develop good eating habits. If you do this, and plan on changing your life-style to one of eating healthy food in reasonable amounts for the long term, you will have a greater chance of losing the weight, and more importantly, keeping it off in the long run.

    That being said, there are medical weight loss clinics that offer fast weight loss programs such as Optifast which is a meal replacement. I went to a clinic that did Optifast but I did not do it, I just ate regular food. However, some people have really good success with something like Optifast, which has lots of nutrients in it. With that, and with medical monitoring, it is safer to lower your calorie amount and that can result in fast weight loss. However, this is a short term thing; usually either only 6-12 weeks on it is safe.

    Even with something like that to get you started, changing your eating habits long term is the best way, in my opinion, to lose weight. Some people will do something like Optifast, but then go back to regular food and still have all the bad habits they had before. When I went to the clinic, I also went to the classes that taught me healthy eating, exercise, and behavioral techniques to aid in weight loss. Attending something like this, or even just speaking with a nutritionist may be helpful for you.

    Good luck with losing weight!
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    With whatever you do to eat well and incorporate more exercise, be consistent. It's not going to happen overnight and it's not going to happen if you don't keep at it.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 673 Member
    Your profile says your 33 y/o Male. At 5'4" and 125 (57kg) you want to lose 15 (7kg). OK, so you should be able to lose 15 pounds in 6-8 months. Even at .5 pounds per week. That is 2 pounds a month which is 14 pounds in 8 months (give or take a few)

    So what you need to do is figure out what a real calorie deficit is for you and eat at that. I feel like 1200 is probably not right but I don't know what you put all your settings at, like did you choose Sedentary as your activity level (MFP calls that a desk job) and did you set your goal to 2 lbs per week because you want to 'lose fast'. Losing fast is not always the best way to do it. If you have less than 30 pounds to lose, 2 pounds per week is probably not the right goal. You may want to look at .5 pounds per week.

    You will get there if you follow the plan, MFP also calculates your expenditure for normal daily activity based on your activity level and does not account for calories burned during purposed exercise, which is why they say eat back those calories, you should net your goal. Net = Eaten - (some) exercise calories. This calculation will allow you to eat back exercise calories but usually Not all of them, since the calories burned are usually overestimated. (You may want to invest in a HRM - more accurate burn calculation)

    But Most importantly - You should also measure and weigh your food to make sure you are actually at a calorie deficit, because that is all that really matters at the end of the day. If you consume less than you burn, you will lose weight. That is all. No magic, no secret, no tricks,

    Good Luck!

    Quoted because math... duh. 8 months = 16 pounds @.5 per week...