Half way there

Hi, Im new to this site, not new to the weight loss journey many of us are on.
I'm about half way through mine right now, I started wanting to lose 50 pounds, and I'm officially 25 lbs down!
Very excited about this, and now I have the last 25 lbs to go. I knew this second half would be a lot harder, for one it is exam time at school which really has me stressed out ( I'm 20 years old, i go to university) plus it's the holiday season which has its one difficulties.

Anyways I'm really excited to be on here, I see the support you guys give each other and It's amazing. If anyone is where I'm at, I'd love to hear your story. I wrote a blog already but it won't let me post it for some odd reason.
If anyone has any questions for me I'd be happy to answer.