New for the last time!!

Been here a few times on different accounts, usually deleting them after a massive binge to 'start again' and then do the same the next week.
Without mfp I managed to lose just over a stone and got ill and an eating disorder in the process. I starved myself to 112lbs at 5'6" only marginally underweight but I lost my period at 118lbs, I have no gained every bit of this weight back to 127lbs and have only just got my period back. I want to healthily get back down to 119lbs (where I felt healthiest) and need some people to give me a kick up the butt to stop me binging or trying to starve myself. I'll be supportive in return! :D
Starting tomorrow I'm doing a lifestyle change to be super healthy, because I feel amazing after just a week of healthy (although Monday is my birthday,,, so I may have to allow for some cake!)
Please add me guys, btw I'm vegetarian planning to return to veganism once I have my eating disorder under control)