30 days raw food challenge

Is anyone up to doing a 30 day raw food challenge? The holidays are near, why not make the best of it and eat living foods, feel great, and have more energy to survive another hectic holiday season! I love the holidays but boy are they stressful! I eat too much and feel like crap from all the processed food.

So who's with me on trying 30 days raw/mostly raw food?

I have never done this before and am excited with trying something brand new!


  • Tobi43
    Tobi43 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi there! :)

    I don't see that anyone else responded, but I am up for the challenge. I actually decided already that I was going to do high raw for the next month or so.

    Are you still up for it?

  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    If you get low energy from processed food and eating too much, just eat less processed food, and eat less overall. It doesn't have to be raw food - cooked food works fine. I tried a raw diet and didn't notice a difference.. except i craved foods that i deprived myself of.