One more time

jha1223 Posts: 141 Member
Hello. Just joined the site today and I'm extremely impressed. I'm a 33 year old male that has struggled, at times (i went from 198 to 172 a little over a year ago). I've been doing Power 90 and loosely following the diet recommendations.

I've done WW before and liked their system, but I seemed to plateau very quickly. I realize that I can't drop 2 lbs every week, but I seemed to start off great and then just slowly slip off. When I tried following the very strict P90X a ways back, I did great for 2 week and then just faceplanted. Not really sure why, but I fell off.

About three weeks ago, an intern from Nepal stopped by to say hi and said "Oh you put on some weight?" That's all it took. I had been wanting to get back on the right track, but all it took was one woman to say that.

I went to the grocery store that night, cleaned the cabinets of junk food and temptations and wrote out my meal plan.

Today is day 14. I work out 6 days a week and do as I want on one day. Day one before i worked out, I weighed 205.4. This morning I weighed in at 197.6. I think I lost a little bit of water weight :)

I've been looking at a way to track my food, caloric intake, exercise, etc. Weight watchers is good , but relies too much on "points". Beachbody's tracking site is a train wreck. Myfitnesspal is PERFECT for tracking.

Finally, my wife and i set goal weights for ourselves. We're bigger than we have ever been, but not severely obese. We decided that when we hit our goal weight, we are getting some bathing suits and going somewhere tropical. We've never vacationed tropical as we are too timid to be seen on a beach with swimsuits on. Come hell or high water, a tropical vacation is in our future...