Binge eating on my rest day

Today was my rest day and i went all out at dinner had a huge plate of eye fillet steak 5 pieces with eggs chips and vegetables and I feel so terrible I know it's bad I can't stop thinking about it I feel like I'm going to gain 5 kg in 1 night


  • charissh
    charissh Posts: 91 Member
    Of course you're not gonna put on 5kg, you'll probs have some water retention from any sodium you had and the rest will be out of your system after a few days of eating right and exercising again. Just forget all about it, put it behind you and get back on track, no point feeling bad about it. Good luck!
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    Let it go.

    It's not like you binged all day, just one hefty meal is a fairly small matter when you consider the entire week. Many on here, myself included, have had a big meal and it didn't effect them much in a bad way.

    I hope the steak was delicious :happy:
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    if it's your rest day from lifting heavy weights, then probably quite a few of the excess calories will go to building muscle. Especially as your meal was really high in protein

    your muscles grow when you rest, not when you train

    also, that's a big meal, it's not a binge. You need to overeat by 3500 cals (i.e. 3500 more than your TDEE) to gain just 1lb of fat. Any gains you see from this meal will be water weight... either from increased glycogen storage, or from sodium, or both. more glycogen is a good thing and you can get rid of the sodium water weight gains by drinking plenty of water and eating foods that contain potassium (e.g. fresh fruit and veg)

    so don't stress. There's a good chance your body needed the extra protein, and a lot of people would call that kind of meal a refeed and consider it a good thing
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    You're making me feel hungry and I've just had a fry-up for breakfast.

    I don't feel guilty whatsoever.