food plan

I would love advice on a meal plan....I get to the store and become overwelmed at all there is to choose from...I really really want to like yogurt but have not tried one I really like...I deleted my first fitness pal so I don't have the info of what I ate to loss this 45 pounds...I am just so at a loss...I need easy and fast!! I need good snacks but no peanuts cause we have to peanuts at school...thanks for the input!!


  • Goodmorning! I tend to do most of my grocery shopping in the produce section. Try to shop weekly for fresh fruits and veggies so that you have good snacks on hand at all times - spinach, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, berries, baby carrots, grapes, oranges, bananas, pineapples, apples, etc. Its good to be able to quickly throw a salad or fruit bowl together.

    For your yogurt, try greek yogurt which is thicker, more nutritious and more filling. I believe dannon light n fit has the highest protein and lowest calories. You can add fresh fruit and granola and its super yummy.

    As far as actual prepared foods, look online for recipes that intruige you. Baked sweet potato fries? Kale chips? Try to learn new recipes one at a time and eventually you will have some go-to favorites. Trust me, it tastes better knowing that you made it yourself and took the time to learn something new.

    Good luck to you!
  • bluetinker74
    bluetinker74 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you so much for the reply!! I really do get overwhelmed at the store!!