Meals for Couples?

While I am not dating or married, I just had quick question about how you prepare foods for your significant other while you are still trying to lose weight. I would never want my "diet" to change the way that I cook for someone who is not "dieting," but how would you prepare a meal if you wanted something they did not.



  • I would just eat a smaller portion of the same meal so that it fits my calorie goal
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Generally I cook like I always did, I just weigh and measure my portions and fit them into my goal. One day per week we do a fend for yourself night and that night I usually have a huge salad and grilled chicken, which gives me a lower calorie day.

    The best thing to do is talk to your significant other and come to an agreement.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    My honey and I eat exactly the same meals when eating together, but we both eat within our own calorie limits.
  • emartin17
    emartin17 Posts: 123 Member
    Smaller portions are the way to go. It doesn't hurt to try new things though- he or she may like it too! Swap out beef for pork or turkey, whole wheat noodles over enriched flour white ones, lower your meat intake on dinners do more vegetarian dishes.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    When I was still allowed to cook for my S.O. before he went all paleo on me I would cook our normal meals and then just omit the oils and sour creams and etc from my plate and serve myself smaller portions. it was easy for me because I was doing slim fast at the time so I would enter dinnertime having only spent 600 of my daily cals. Cheeses can be added at the end at the top of the dish too. And also i tend to serve his plate more potato heavy than mine and fill mine with more veggies again adding extra olive oil to his at the end. and more butter for his potato obv. He might have had bread or a tortilla on the side and me not. stuff like that. then he might get a glass of wine or some beer and me no. it all adds up and you're right IMO just because you need very few cals doesn't mean your SO should suffer.
  • drshona
    drshona Posts: 52 Member
    I just give him some more pasta/rice etc while I'll have more of the salad or veg. He eats crisps and biscuits that I don't.
  • drshona
    drshona Posts: 52 Member
    We also have two children, and clearly wouldn't want to put them on a 'diet'. But I don't eat weird and wonderful food to lose weight, I'm eating normal food it's just about smaller portions and less biscuits / crisps / cakes.
  • Thanks for the ideas and comments! Are there any foods that you find easy to make and have smaller portions of?