Thanksgiving survival guide!



  • SunnyDee712
    SunnyDee712 Posts: 28 Member
    Good advice here! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    Focus on the lean meats and veggies, limit your stuffing/dressing and desserts. It's Thanksgiving, don't stress out too much about it. As long as you don't take leftovers home and keep feasting for a week, any weight you gain will come right back off. No big deal.
  • laursoar
    laursoar Posts: 131 Member
    Lots of great advice in here.

    I would never recommend not going to the dinners at all. If you want your new eating habits to stick, you need to be able to adjust them to all settings and circumstances. I know that going into settings where you aren't preparing the food can be intimidating. I think that's true for a lot of us (certainly for me!) Ultimately though, that's where your new skills for portions, tracking, and knowing which better options to choose will be most important. It's just not sustainable in the long run to skip out on events because there might be a lot of food. You'll run into the same issue again with other holidays, cookouts, potlucks, friends' birthday meals at restaurants, etc. Enjoy yourself, just with a little more moderation and awareness.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Lots of great advice in here.

    I would never recommend not going to the dinners at all. If you want your new eating habits to stick, you need to be able to adjust them to all settings and circumstances. I know that going into settings where you aren't preparing the food can be intimidating. I think that's true for a lot of us (certainly for me!) Ultimately though, that's where your new skills for portions, tracking, and knowing which better options to choose will be most important. It's just not sustainable in the long run to skip out on events because there might be a lot of food. You'll run into the same issue again with other holidays, cookouts, potlucks, friends' birthday meals at restaurants, etc. Enjoy yourself, just with a little more moderation and awareness.
    Wisdom here. It's not what you eat on the 10 or 15 days of the year that you are celebrating something. It's what you do on the other 350 or so that really makes the difference. Enjoy the holiday, food and all.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    It's actually very simple, stop eating when you get full. Eat slowly so that your mind can catch up with what your putting in your stomach. Make better choices as to what to put on your plate, smaller portions. Problem solved. So even if you go over your not going to be sick from overeating
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    Skip.thanskgiving thats ludacris. Dont type Those evil words again
  • michellelandis33
    Thanksgiving is coming!!! Be thankful for your friends and family...enjoy them and your day and the food. Just eat smaller portions and get back to normal the next day...keep in mind it's not dieting its changing how you look at food and using it for energy and your health. And Thanksgiving is a gathering day of family around good food...not a "who can fill their stomach the most":smile:
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    More turkey but be sensible with the fixings. Oh and drink LOTS of water.
    I try to drink 16oz every hour.

    16 an hour??? that would be 384 ounces a day or 24 pounds of water...

    I hope so because honestly, you can die from drinking too much water!
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    1 rule. - enjoy the day being thankful for what you have ... (tomorrow is another day to worry about it)
  • SkiMummy
    SkiMummy Posts: 33 Member
    Going to someone else's house to eat makes a lot of sense.
    Even if you do over indulge, once you leave, you leave behind a house full of temptations, and can return to your regular eating at home.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    had our Thanksgiving this past Saturday - I cooked for 10 hours (lots of food and yummies) and I ate about 1,000 cal over... guess what... Lost 1.5lbs still :bigsmile:

    Eat, Drink, live.... :) It isn't going right to your hips :laugh:
  • 2bassets
    2bassets Posts: 193 Member
    For dessert, I am making a peanut butter pie from! Looks awesome!
  • jnewstadt
    jnewstadt Posts: 8 Member
    Someone gave me a really good tip last Thanksgiving which I'll use again this year.

    Figure out what items you really want to eat. Don't bother with stuff you can have any day....go for what you see as special. Start yourself with a serving size of about three good bites worth of each of those things. After about three good bites, many of us (myself included) are just shoveling. Instead of shoveling, try to really enjoy the three bites before you decide to get another helping. Taste the food and enjoy it. Don't prohibit yourself from eating what you want, just try to be conscious and deliberate. Enjoy yourself!
  • robinsondel
    i will say did not get obese by overeating one day a get obese by overeating every other day of the year and making poor choices...

    so for me, I will eat whatever I want on Thanksgiving but then the day after I will go right back to logging and hitting my macros...

    I think we get into trouble when we start blaming one day for a years worth of bad decisions....just my two cents...

    so I say eat and be merry on Thanksgiving and then go back to logging and deficit the day after....

    This is how I'm approaching. I've got over 200lbs to lose and I just started a month ago. It took me nearly 37 years to put it all on, so I'm not worrying about one day. I'm only changing a couple of things this year for Thanksgiving and Christmas. 1. I'm not going to eat until I pass out. 2. I'm only indulging on that day. Which means I go to someone else's home, eat what I want, and don't take leftovers. In the past, my family has traditionally spent a week overindulging around each major holiday. Now, it's that day, then back to being diligent the next day. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • 2bassets
    2bassets Posts: 193 Member
    Someone gave me a really good tip last Thanksgiving which I'll use again this year.

    Figure out what items you really want to eat. Don't bother with stuff you can have any day....go for what you see as special. Start yourself with a serving size of about three good bites worth of each of those things. After about three good bites, many of us (myself included) are just shoveling. Instead of shoveling, try to really enjoy the three bites before you decide to get another helping. Taste the food and enjoy it. Don't prohibit yourself from eating what you want, just try to be conscious and deliberate. Enjoy yourself!

    Great tip! I will do this on Thanksgiving!
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 655 Member
    More turkey but be sensible with the fixings. Oh and drink LOTS of water.
    I try to drink 16oz every hour.

    16 an hour??? that would be 384 ounces a day or 24 pounds of water...


    I try for that same volume while I am awake! It is recommended that you drink half an ounce for every pound of body weight. (weight in pounds divided by 2 in ounces) Making this habit has made a HUGE change in how much I eat AND in how I feel. YES, at first I spent a TON of time in the bathroom, but now that my body is used to it, life is much improved.

    SO, no, I don't think this was a type-o.
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    Thanksgiving survival guide: eat, play football, eat, drink, play football, watch football, eat, sleep.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    it's one day of many is a special didn't get fat because of one day or a special occasion, and one day cannot undo anything.

    Generally I just have a couple of eggs for breakfast and basically the T-giving meal and appetizers, desert, beer/wine, etc make up the bulk of my days calories. I tracked last year and I was about 200 calories over maintenance...which is easily managed by your metabolism. You have to consistently eat over to gain or under to lose...your body is best at maintaining and it takes consistent deficits and surpluses to override your body's ability to maintain.

    It is one day of many...enjoy it.
  • ibleedunionblue
    ibleedunionblue Posts: 324 Member
    Turkey - Veggies - and limit myself to 1 piece of pumpkin pie, and 1 other family traditional dessert.
    And then get back on it.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    More turkey but be sensible with the fixings. Oh and drink LOTS of water.
    I try to drink 16oz every hour.

    16 an hour??? that would be 384 ounces a day or 24 pounds of water...


    I try for that same volume while I am awake! It is recommended that you drink half an ounce for every pound of body weight. (weight in pounds divided by 2 in ounces) Making this habit has made a HUGE change in how much I eat AND in how I feel. YES, at first I spent a TON of time in the bathroom, but now that my body is used to it, life is much improved.

    SO, no, I don't think this was a type-o.

    It is recommended by whom and what scientific data supports that? Sounds like made up stuff to me.