Not sure where to start

I have about 20 pounds to lose to be at my "perfect" weight, but it feels so impossible. Over the last few years, it seems I'm always gaining rather than losing. I have been working out with a trainer three times per week. I work out so hard that I'm dripping sweat, but although I've gotten more toned, I don't lose any weight.

I consider myself a very healthy eater...all ice cream, pizza, fried foods, red meat, jelly, cookies, etc. However, I am a foodie, too. I'm willing to start tracking my calories, but I'm nervous to do so because in the past watching what I eat too much gets me to a place where I end up overeating (binging).

How can I get started? It is so intimidating.


  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    You have the answer in your post. Exercise is awesome, but to lose weight you must be in a calorie deficit. You can be eating the healthiest and most organic food that money can buy, but if you are eating too much you will not lose - you might even gain.

    To get started? Invest in a food scale and weigh all your food. Logging is also very important. Log every bite Without these things - you are only guessing that you are in a calorie deficit.

    Good luck.