Really overwhelmed:(



  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    Do you have a gym membership? At mine you can see the nutritionist on staff once free and a small fee after that. Also, what about insurance? Maybe, you could see a nutritionist through your primary doctor? Either way you would have someone locally to reassure you of your new life style changes and guide you through this journey.

    However, I LOVE MFP and the way it has showed me how to eat and where I needed adjustments. Great Program!! :flowerforyou:
  • _xXJennXx_
    _xXJennXx_ Posts: 3,290 Member
    I say diet for weight loss, exercise to build and define your muscle tone.
  • purplepink1992
    Do you have a gym membership? At mine you can see the nutritionist on staff once free and a small fee after that. Also, what about insurance? Maybe, you could see a nutritionist through your primary doctor? Either way you would have someone locally to reassure you of your new life style changes and guide you through this journey.

    However, I LOVE MFP and the way it has showed me how to eat and where I needed adjustments. Great Program!! :flowerforyou:

    I'm going to be working out at home at least for the first bit because I do have basic essentials like a tred mill, exercise bike, free weights, etc. But I believe dieticians/nutritionists are free in my province! So I think I may look into it if I'm needing guidance in the future that I can't seem to find here.

    Thank you!
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    ^^^ Everbody before me has made valid points and given great advise. We are a pretty smart group of people here. My advise to you is to take one day at a time. Try to preplan as much as possible, makes grocety shopping and meal preparation easier. Dont allow yoursrlf to get sucked into the tommorrow world. Do today as well as you can then move on. If you have a bad day, say that chocolate bar got ya, dont sweat it. We all have been there. Accept that your human and make mistakes. Add me if you like and Good Luck.
  • debbiedank
    debbiedank Posts: 1 Member
    You can do it. Break it down into smaller amounts. Don't set out to lose 100 pounds. That will overwhelm anyone. Make your first goal to lose 5 pounds. Set your calorie limit in MFP and be diligent about logging your food. When you've eaten your calories, you're done. Brush your teeth and go to bed. LOL Take it DAY by DAY. Don't look at the whole picture yet. Take 5 pounds at a time. I started out needing to lose over 100 and I've lost 80 so far. I've started a blog to document the rest of my journey. Once you've started losing and you feel like you have a good handle on it, then you can start looking at carbs and fats and see how your body reacts to different foods. You can do it!! Just keep logging your keeps you accountable and it's one of the best tools you're going to find!!
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    Everyone has given you very good advice. Just take it easy, set up small goals, start logging your food and you'll find areas to work on.

    Feel free to add me if you need more friends to spur you along!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Welcome Purplepink. :smile:

    It's all about calories in, calories out. All that is required to lose weight is to eat at a calorie deficit. With 80 pounds to lose, you are probably safe to set your goals to lose 2 pounds a week. As your weight comes off, you will want to set your goals to lose weight slower.

    Exercise will help you tone as you lose weight, and will allow you to eat more calories. In other words, you must eat most, if not all, of your exercise calories back. However, exercise is not required to lose weight.
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    Follow your MFP guidelines and exercise. With whatever you do, be consistent.
  • haymancm
    haymancm Posts: 280 Member
    With 106 lbs to lose total, I've lost 68 lbs in 8 months. I ditched all sodas for about a month & drank only water. Now, I have a coke once every 3-4 weeks. I used to drink a 2liter a day. I drink more than half my body weight in oz for water, upped my potassium intake with a lot of veggies & salads (bunny food), started out walking, increasing to running. I made it a goal to burn 1000+ calories/day several times a week, wearing my heart rate monitor.

    You can add me if you'd like. :)
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    Do you have a gym membership? At mine you can see the nutritionist on staff once free and a small fee after that. Also, what about insurance? Maybe, you could see a nutritionist through your primary doctor? Either way you would have someone locally to reassure you of your new life style changes and guide you through this journey.

    However, I LOVE MFP and the way it has showed me how to eat and where I needed adjustments. Great Program!! :flowerforyou:

    I'm going to be working out at home at least for the first bit because I do have basic essentials like a tred mill, exercise bike, free weights, etc. But I believe dieticians/nutritionists are free in my province! So I think I may look into it if I'm needing guidance in the future that I can't seem to find here.

    Thank you!

    ANYTIME!!! :bigsmile:
  • Riggers1612
    Riggers1612 Posts: 52 Member
    I have been doing this 3 months, I convinced myself at the start I couldn't do it. Look at my profile pic. I lost 33lb in just over 3 months.

    If I was to give any advice, it's keep it simple, start something you can maintain. Don't try to do to much at first and have a treat now and again!

    Good luck with it, you can do it!
  • JessekaKing
    JessekaKing Posts: 64 Member
    Me too...I am going to lose 100 lbs. I say take it one day at a time...reward yourself at each 10 lb. milestone, if anyone says do you want some more or supersize or another...say no. if anyone says oh your dieting? say no, it's my new lifestyle it's forever. If anyone says good luck with that ...say thanks and smile and remember them when you are faced with a sabotaging no no favorite. Look Forward not behind and put one foot in front of the other:smile: and if anyone tries sabotaging your efforts...walk away they are not your friend. Best wishes...and use this food journal right and you will see a difference...I am already. God Bless.

    WELL SAID! I agree, dont get overwhelmed...use every week to try something new until you find what works for you !