need help! i don't understand

i was wondering if this happened to anyone else and whats the cause. my pants are so tight now. i wear a 27 but they were tight in the legs from building muscle so i stopped doing legs with weights for a week and they go on again but they are still really hard to button. what gives? i run 4x a week and do abs and arms. pretty healthy diet. 1200 calories. i use to be vegetarian but not anymore and i lost a ton of weight from doing that. i have eaten way more sweets than i use to. any advice on how to get my waist or hips down? i have a really flat stomach. it just feels like its expanding. i guess thats my problem :(
18, 145 ibs.


  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    You're not building muscle on 1200 calories a day. You say you've recently changed from a vegetarian diet and started eating more sweets than before. Most likely, you've gained because of that.

    Weigh and log everything that goes in your mouth. If you're eating at a reasonable deficit, the weight should start to come off within a few weeks. Make sure your deficit isn't too much. You don't have much weight to lose, so it'll be slow and you have to be patient.