How long till I can do 13 miles?

So I'm an on-and-off logger/fitness fiend, and I'm coming back after a couple months of being off (did 2.5 months of P90X and then school started and ruined my life). I decided to start running regularly again. I did over 4 miles (6.0 mph pace) on Thursday, and today I managed 6 miles without too much trouble (probably because I ate 2200 calories today).

My goal way back when was to do a half marathon before I graduate. The closest I got was January of last year, when I did 10 miles (only twice before I fell off the wagon again). I want to readopt my goal but be stricter about it, so I'm planning on registering for a half marathon in the time range that I will be fit enough to run one.

So my question is, when will I most likely be ready? I know everyone's different but can someone with experience give me a good estimate? I was planning on going up 2-3 miles every month (running 2-3x a week and lifting 3x a week), is this realistic?


  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    You are being realistic. (with a couple caveats about the strength training ..)

    Here is a beginner schedule for a 1/2 marathon going for 17 weeks before running it, and you're already past the start of that schedule:

    However as someone else who is lifting while running I will say to alternate your long run weeks as the training schedule here does. There are non beginner schedules on that sight that integrate speed training etc...but the main point is when stretching yourself it is tough to keep up the strength training more than 2X on the weeks you do a longer run than you're used to IMO without eventually fatiguing yourself over a couple of weeks. Specifically: I never ever attempt a "long" run (whatever that is to you) if I haven't had 2 recovery days since my strength training. Otherwise my quads will just hate me and I will feel sad.

    Be prepared to eat with a sched like that.